Social standards in bilateral and regional trade and investment agreements

Dialogue on Globalization
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation Occasional Paper
N° 16 / March 2005
56 pp

Thomas Greven

Social Standards in Bilateral and Regional Trade and Investment Agreements
Instruments, Enforcement, and Policy Options for Trade Unions

Table of Contents :

1. Executive Summary

2. The Failure to Establish an Interntional Labor Rights Regime

3. The Limits of Unilateral Labor Rights Instruments
3.1 U.S. Unilateral Labor Rights Instruments : Basic Concepts
3.2 U.S. Unilateral Labor Rights Provisions : Enforcement and Effectiveness
3.3 EU Unilateral Labor Rights Provisions : Basic Concepts
3.4 EU Unilateral Labor Rights Provisions : Enforcement

4. New Instruments : Labor Rights in Bilateral Trade Agreements
4.1 Labor Rights Provisions in U.S. Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements : Concepts
4.2 Labor Rights in U.S. Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements : Enforcement
4.3 Labor Rights Provisions in Canadian Bilateral Trade Agreements
4.4 Labor Rights Provisions in Bilateral Agreements of the European Union

5. Options for Trade Unions

6. Bibliography

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