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Statement of concern regarding the proposed EU-ASEAN free trade negotiations | 15-February-2007

Civil society movements and organisations from ASEAN and Europe express strong concerns about the proposed EU-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA) slated to be concluded within the next two years.

KoA No FTA Newsletter #2 | 15-February-2007

Farmers release animals in protest, 500 attend all-night vigil; KoA protest delegation holds all-night vigil, congressional briefing in DC; Limiting access to healthcare: FTA and pharmaceuticals

Costa Rica: Pronunciamiento contra el TLC | 14-February-2007

Nosotros Sacerdotes y Diáconos de la Iglesia que peregrina en la Diócesis de Alajuela queremos ante la opinión pública costarricense fijar nuestra posición frente al proyecto del T.L.C. entre los Países Centroamericanos y República Dominicana con los Estados Unidos de América que se discute en nuestra Asamblea Legislativa actualmente

Japanese NGOs join Thai protest | 13-February-2007

Sixteen Japanese non-government organisations have joined the protest by Thai activists against the Thailand-Japan free trade agreement (FTA) by urging their government to remove tariff reductions for hazardous waste from the pact.

S Korean farmers use animals to oppose US FTA | 13-February-2007

The farmers, wearing jackets emblazoned with messages disapproving of the talks to seal a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries, stormed into the bustling Myeongdong fashion district in several carloads and released one pig, six goats and about 300 radishes.

US and Korean labor unite to protest trade agreement | 12-February-2007

Leaders of labor federations in the United States and Korea today joined forces to protest
the ongoing negotiations for the US-Korea Free Trade agreement (KORUS

No FTA newsletter (KoA) | 10-February-2007

Korean protest delegation sets off for Washington, DC; Farmers, livestock raisers, and civil society groups protest beef import talks, 13 arrested; The undemocratic character of the FTA negotiations process

Endorsement for “US civil society declaration on the KOR-US FTA” requested | 10-February-2007

A US civil society statement on the Korea-US FTA written in collaboration between the AFL-CIO and Korean Americans for Fair Trade, and endorsed by the Alliance for Responsible Trade. Organizational endorsement is requested by 12 February 2007.

The road to an undesirable deal: A report to US Congress | 10-February-2007

The Korea-US FTA will make living conditions more difficult for people living in both countries. This report covers seven main concerns and presents three individual cases. Our analysis shows that the proposed agreement will disproportionately hurt working families, widen the income gap, limit public services, and undermine culture and the environment in South Korea.

Memorandum to the European Commission from 30 000 citizens at the World Social Forum | 9-February-2007

We the people attending the World Social Forum (WSF) are here today to call on the European Commission to stop negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA’s) with our governments.

Stop unfair trade deals between Europe and ACP countries! | 9-February-2007

Open letter by more than 180 European NGOs to German Chancellor Angela Merkel

FTA - The poor fear for their future | 8-February-2007

A 52-year-old rubber tapper from Semenyih rode on a bus for more than an hour to bring his concerns to the doorstep of the United States embassy in Kuala Lumpur today.

GPKK demonstrates against FTA outside US Embassy | 7-February-2007

The Coalition of Factory Workers and Trade Unions (GPKK) demonstrated for half-an-hour outside the United States embassy, here Wednesday to protest against the on-going Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiation which it claimed violated the rights of the lower-income group.

Declaración de los pueblos centroamericanos sobre el Acuerdo de Asociación entre la Unión Europea y Centroamérica | 6-February-2007

Las organizaciones sociales de Centroamérica aglutinadas dentro de la Alianza Social Continental-Capítulo Centroamérica, manifestamos nuestro posicionamiento político, frente a este Acuerdo de Asociación entre la Unión Europea y Centroamérica, como contribución al debate que se ha iniciado al seno del movimiento social y popular de la región sobre el tema en mención.

Mexicans protest sharp hike of tortillas, other food staples | 5-February-2007

Thousands of people marched in Mexico City to protest the sharp hike of basic food products, including tortillas, and to demand the government exclude food staples from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). "No corn, no country," the protesters shouted in the first major demonstration to confront conservative President Felipe Calderon since he took office December 1.

Campagne Stop APE : Prenons l’initiative ! Créons l’évènement ! | 1-February-2007

Le FSM (Forum Social Mondial) vient de s’achever à Nairobi. Les Accords de Partenariat Economique (APE) y ont mobilisé beaucoup d’énergie, puisqu’il y a eu 20 ateliers sur ces accords. Malheureusement, il a fallu attendre la dernière rencontre pour qu’apparaisse un début de coordination.