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La Société civile africaine ferme dans son opposition | 14-septembre-2008

Réunis à Accra, les membres du Réseau africain sur le commerce, plus connu sous son appellation anglaise, African Trade Network (Atn), ont signé une déclaration dans laquelle ils se déclarent « plus que jamais déterminés à arrêter tous les Ape ».

« L’UE nous obligerait à signer les accords de partenariat » | 14-septembre-2008

Entretien avec Paul Berenger, leader de l’opposition à Maurice

Open letter from the Caribbean Conference of Churches | 13-septembre-2008

While it has been asserted that failure to conclude the agreement within the timeframe dictated by the E.C. would threaten Caribbean exports to Europe, we feel that our leaders should not be constrained to pursue a course of action which could prove to be adverse to our people in the long run.

Avanzan preparativos para la Tercera Cumbre Amazónica | 10-septembre-2008

Se analizará el paquete de decretos legislativos emitidos por el gobierno central en el marco de las facultades concedidas por el Congreso en el marco de la implementación del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con los Estados Unidos y que atentan contra los derechos de las comunidades nativas

Caribbean leaders urged to reject EU treaty | 8-septembre-2008

Church leaders in the Caribbean have urged regional governments to reject the Economic Partnership Agreement proposed by the European Union, saying the terms of the treaty would harm the economy, marginalize the poor, and undermine the Caribbean’s democratic institutions.

Guyana stakeholders ’roundly condemn’ Cariforum EPA | 8-septembre-2008

Senior representatives of the government, the opposition political parties, the trade union movement, the private sector, religious bodies and other non-governmental organizations unanimously called on regional leaders not to sign it in its present form.

Perú : la protesta indígena...algunas reflexiones | 8-septembre-2008

En este mes el país se vio sorprendido por una contundente protesta de las 65 etnias amazónicas, que comenzó el 9 de agosto, Día Internacional de Los Pueblos Indígenas, exigiendo la derogatoria de una serie de decretos que ponían en peligro no solo sus territorios sino su misma existencia

Pétition pour la suspension de l’Accord d’Association Union Européenne-Israël | 5-septembre-2008

Nous relayons la pétition pour la suspension de l’Accord d’Association Union Européenne-Israël, lancée par The Peace Cycle, et qui sera remise au Parlement Européen le 9 septembre prochain. Ci-dessous le texte de la pétition traduit par ISM.

Sayonara JPEPA | 5-septembre-2008

Filipinos say no to the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement

Standing firm and acting together against EPAs ! | 5-septembre-2008

The EPAs are not fundamentally concerned about African development but are designed to further the geo-economic aims of the ‘Global Europe’ strategy being pushed from Brussels in the interest of European corporations and capital. Declaration from Africa Trade Network.

The Southern Bank : the result of the struggle of movements | 4-septembre-2008

The Southern Bank is not just a bank, not even a further development bank. It is the expression of the struggle against a model that takes out resources from the poorest nations. If this bank no longer manages to represent such expression and becomes more of the same, the movement will have a new institution to resist.

Jamaica : EPA debate sparks Opposition walkout of Parliament | 4-septembre-2008

A marathon debate on the contentious Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Bill ended in disarray in Jamaica Tuesday night after Members of the Opposition walked out of Parliament. The walkout was the first of its kind in almost 30 years but it failed to prevent the passage of the Bill which was done before the end of the sitting.

What the JPEPA proponents have not told the nation (part 2) | 2-septembre-2008

The multisectoral Fair Trade Alliance (FairTrade), a broad coalition of industry, agriculture, formal and informal labor, NGOs and youth pushing for trade and economic reforms, maintains its stance in the controversial Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) that it will not favor the agreement’s ratification without renegotiation.

International labor caucus takes critical look at EU-ASEAN FTA | 2-septembre-2008

Workers groups from the ASEAN nations met this August 24-27, 2008 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to take a stand and plan campaigns against the proposed EU-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement.

Gulf states urged to end trade talks with EU | 2-septembre-2008

A former Saudi official yesterday urged Gulf oil producers to halt their prolonged free trade negotiations with the European Union (EU) and opt instead for separate agreements that will serve the region’s interests.

Costa Rica : Social groups to protest tomorrow for the independence of the courts from the executive | 2-septembre-2008

Dozens of organizations of the Movimiento Social (Social Movement)
will be convening on Tuesday in front of the Poder Judicial de Costa Rica, in downtown San José, to demand the magistrates of the Corte Plena (Full Court) its independence from the powers of the State and reject its alliance with the Poder Ejecutivo (Executive branch of the government).

Pressions syndicales sur l’Union européenne au sujet des APE | 1er-septembre-2008

Des syndicats africains et européens membres de la Confédération internationale des syndicats (CSI) travaillent à faire fléchir la position de l’Union européenne (UE) dans les négociations pour la signature d’un accord de partenariat économique (APE) avec les pays d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (ACP).

Signature des Ape : Les centrales syndicales du Sénégal exigent un délai de trois ans | 1er-septembre-2008

En dépit de la signature d’accords préférentiels entre l’Union européenne et certains pays Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique (Acp), la levée des barrières douanières n’est pas pour demain. Pour faire de la signature des très contestés Accords de partenariat économique (Ape) une réussite, cinq organisations syndicales sénégalaises préconisent un délai de trois ans au moins avant tout paraphe.

Bolivia : Two years of ’post-neoliberal’ Indigenous nationalism — a balance sheet | 1er-septembre-2008

The right laments the "isolation" of the Bolivian economy from the global currents of trade because it has put three crosses against the free trade agreement with the United States and there isn’t the will to take part in an agreement with the European Union, the "biggest markets on the planet".