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AJE: Opposition to India-EU trade deal on drugs | 27-March-2011

India is one of the world’s largest producers of generic drugs. But a proposed Free Trade Agreement with the European Union could curb the supply of affordable drugs to millions of people. Al Jazeera reports from New Delhi

Obama’s final stopover: Ignoring CAFTA protests | 24-March-2011

Local activists protesting Obama’s visit to El Salvador called for a renegotiation of CAFTA, an end to the US embargo against Cuba, a withdrawal of the US military from El Salvador, and a cessation of US support for the tainted Porfirio Lobos regime in neighboring Honduras.

UN Special Raporteur on right to health asked to intervene in TPP Trade negotiation | 22-March-2011

Eleven public interest advocacy groups and three law professors have submitted a petition to Anand Grover, the Special Rapporteur for the United Nations on the right to health, to intervene in a new regional trade agreement that will shrink the market for legal generic medecines.

NGOs urge EU to strike down Colombia trade deal | 19-March-2011

More than 200 non-governmental organizations sign a manifesto calling on the European Union to strike down its free trade agreement with Colombia, EFE reported Wednesday.

HAI Europe on EU-India & EU-Mercosur trade agreements | 19-March-2011

All eyes are on the EU-India trade agreement, and the repercussions it will have on access to medicines in India and other developing countries. At the same time, the EU is in the process of negotiating other trade agreements that could harm or hinder access to medicines, such as this week’s negotiations between the EU and the Mercosur countries.

Más de 200 ONG piden a la UE rechazar TLC con Colombia, Perú y Centroamérica | 18-March-2011

Los representantes de más de 200 organizaciones de la sociedad civil y sindicatos europeos y latinoamericanos han pedido hoy al Parlamento Europeo que no ratifique los tratados de libre comercio (TLC) con Colombia, Perú y los países centroamericanos.

Sector productivo lechero protesta en Colombia contra TLC y restricciones de venta | 11-March-2011

Más de dos mil indígenas colombianos protestaron este miércoles en el Puente Internacional de Rumichaca, en la frontera con Ecuador, para rechazar el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) que negocian Colombia y Estados Unidos y sobre el cual consideran que afectará la comercialización de leche en la región suroeste de Colombia.

Dairy farmers march in Bogota against trade deal | 11-March-2011

Representatives of dairy businesses from across Colombia meet in Bogota to protest against the pending free trade agreement with the US, fearing it will ruin nearly 480,000 producers who have less than 10 cows, and thereby damaging food security for the country, especially in rural areas.

Indian farmers call off a massive planned siege of New Delhi after talk and commitments from Prime Minister | 10-March-2011

The main demands of the farmers were to improve farmers incomes through more remunerative and scientifically calculated support prices, to provide health care to farm families, to scrap all agriculture deals in the various ongoing secret negotiations of bilateral FTAs and the WTO, to ban GMOs permanently since there is no need for them, to reduce the rate of farm loans.

Global e-protest against FTAs | 8-March-2011

Write to members of Indian governement and European Commission to save affordable medicines and access to life-saving treatments in Africa, Asia and Latin America !

Free trade deal with Europe threatens Canadian autonomy | 6-March-2011

Stuart Trew tells Redeye that Canadians have a lot to lose if the government signs a free trade agreement with Europe.

Action against EU-India and EU-Korea FTA in Seoul | 3-March-2011

The Korea-EU FTA must be dismantled. And the lives of patients in over 120 countries are on the line regarding the India-EU FTA. What will devastate the Pharmacy of the World must also be stopped.

Thousands of people with HIV protest India-EU trade deal restricting access to cheap drugs | 2-March-2011

Thousands of people with HIV and cancer marched through the streets of India’s capital Wednesday to protest a planned trade deal with the European Union that they claim would restrict access to affordable medicines.

Demandan en El Salvador inconstitucionalidad TLC con Estados Unidos | 2-March-2011

Organizaciones sociales de El Salvador presentaron hoy una nueva demanda legal para declarar la inconstitucionalidad del tratado de libre comercio (TLC) con Estados Unidos.

Manifestation contre les accords de libre-échange Inde-Europe | 1-March-2011

Grande manifestation contre les accords de libre-échange Inde-Europe pour sauver les génériques et l’accès aux soins en Inde et dans le monde le 2 mars à Delhi

Malaysians protest EU free trade agreements | 1-March-2011

Hundreds of people protested outside the venue where the second round of free trade negotiations between Malaysia and the European Union were taking place.