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Farmers’ fight of China FTA could be biggest yet | 27-February-2012

When Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade attempted to hold a first public hearing last Friday to listen to concerns about an FTA with China, farmers shut it down.

Pig farmers plan protest against US beef on March 8 | 24-February-2012

Some 20,000 pig farmers will take to the streets of Taipei on March 8 to protest against any move to lift the bans on imports of US beef that contain residues of feed additive ractopamine

Trade unions discuss EU India FTA | 22-February-2012

International Metalworkers Federation South Asia Office organized a workshop on EU India Free Trade Agreement on February 14 and 15 in New Delhi. Representatives of Indian national trade union centres and Indian affiliates of IMF, BWI, ITGLWF, UNI, ICEM exchanged views on trade policies and implications for development and employment with IMF affiliates from France, Italy, Canada, Argentina and Japan.

No Trade with Apartheid! Against the expansion of the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement | 17-February-2012

Last fall, the Conservative government announced plans to expand the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA), a set of policies that serves to further legitimize Israeli occupation and apartheid, and deepen Canadian corporate and state involvement in Israeli racism and colonialism.

Contre l’expansion de l’accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël (Hiver 2012) | 17-February-2012

L’automne dernier, le gouvernement conservateur a annoncé qu’il planifiait l’expansion de l’Accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël (ALÉCI), un ensemble de procédures qui servent à légitimer davantage l’occupation et l’apartheid israélien, et renforce la participation de certaines compagnies ainsi que du gouvernement canadien a la politique de racisme et de colonialisme prôné par Israël.

Farmers, people living with HIV and small traders protest against the EU | 17-February-2012

Indian farmers joined people with HIV and small traders to protest against the EU-India Free Trade agreement, which will impact all three sectors by ending livelihoods and cutting access to cheap medicines.

Global civil society rises up over FTAs | 17-February-2012

Civil society groups around the world have upped the ante in the global struggle to protect and promote access to medicine and focused their attention on the European Union-India free trade agreement (FTA) currently being negotiated between the two governments.

MTUC concerns over FTAs deepen | 17-February-2012

The president of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) Khalid Atan has expressed his belief that the time has come for the 800,000-strong workers’ movement to mobilise against the free trade agreements that the government is negotiating.

L’autre face de l’accord agricole UE-Maroc | 15-February-2012

Les Domaines agricoles relevant de la branche agroalimentaire du holding Siger, détenue par le monarque marocain, se positionne comme étant l’élément dominant de l’agriculture du pays. Il sera, et de loin, le principal bénéficiaire de la probable ratification de la part du Parlement européen de la nouvelle entente commerciale.

Group vows to protest if ban on ractopamine lifted | 10-February-2012

An association of hog growers threatened Friday to mobilize its members in protest outside the Presidential Office if the government buckles under pressure and allows the entry of US beef imports containing a banned leanness-enhancing drug.

“Don’t trade away our lives” | 10-February-2012

“Whether we get to live or die should not be up to trade negotiators. We’re all here today with one clear message to India and the EU: ‘Don’t trade away our lives’,” said Mundrika Gahlot of the Delhi Network of Positive People.

Un euro parlementaire français menace de saisir la Cour européenne de l’illégalité de l’accord de libre échange entre l’UE et le Maroc | 10-February-2012

L’euro parlementaire français, José Bové a exprimé encore une fois, mercredi, sa ferme opposition à la rénovation de l´accord de libre-échange entre l´Union européenne et le Maroc, estimant que cet accord viole le droit international du fait qu’il inclut le Sahara occidental.

Why the secrecy? India’s FTA with EU | 10-February-2012

Sale of products that compete with EU’s GI-protected ones will be affected. Indian dairy sector has reasons to worry.

For a fair, free trade pact with Europe | 9-February-2012

Several difficult issues need to be resolved if India is not to be short-changed in the Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement with the EU.

Anti-FTA group holds protest in KL against EU-India trade talks | 8-February-2012

Some 50 Anti-FTA Coalition members staged a protest at the European Commission’s office in Kuala Lumpur Wednesday, urging it to stop promoting what they allege are dangerous trade policies that would threaten the lives of millions across the developing world.

Positive networks and patient groups delivered Coffins to European Commission’s Office at New Delhi today | 8-February-2012

Ahead of India-EU Summit, DNP+ members delivered coffins to European Commission’s office today with a demand to refuse the provisions from the draft text of India-EU FTA that will impact the access to medicines.

Act Up-Paris confront Karel De Gucht on ACTA and EU-India FTA | 7-February-2012

Supporting the ongoing Global Week of Action on the EU-India FTA, Pauline Londeix of Act Up-Paris today confronted the European Commission for Trade, Karel de Gucht at a “Civil Society dialogue on Trade, Growth and development” at the European Commission. De Gucht reportedly leaves for India tomorrow for the EU-India Summit on 10th February 2012 where the E.C. is putting pressure on the Indian government to announce political trade-offs in the EU-India FTA.

Documents show CETA ill-advised | 2-February-2012

The City of Saskatoon’s executive committee recently voted narrowly in favour of a motion that calls on the provincial government to exclude the city from a potential Canada-European Union free trade deal. There are good reasons why councillors should uphold that decision when the proposal comes before them next week.

Semaine mondiale d’action sur l’accord de libre-échange entre l’Union Européenne et l’Inde | 1-February-2012

Nous appelons à une semaine d’action à travers le monde du 6 au 10 février 2012 sur l’accord de libre-échange entre l’Union Européenne et l’Inde.

Spanish farmers demand no imports of occupation tomatoes | 1-February-2012

On 14 February, a new and extended trade and agriculture agreement is up for vote in the European Parliament. No mention is made to the fact that produce from Western Sahara now will reach the European market, and that the main benefactor will be multinational firms and the King of Morocco – while the small scale farmers will stand to loose.