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AÉCG: Le RQIC rend publics des documents secrets sur les offres européennes | 30-March-2012

Le Réseau québécois sur l’intégration continentale (RQIC) rend publiques deux annexes constituant les offres révisées qu’a faites en février 2012 l’Union européenne dans le cadre des négociations de l’Accord économique et commercial global (AÉCG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE).

John Kinsman: Why we should oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership | 21-March-2012

US dairy farmers fear they will go bankrupt as cheap foreign powder imports like milk protein concentrate flood the domestic market under the TPP.

L’opposition des municipalités à l’AECG s’intensifie | 19-March-2012

Alors que le gouvernement Harper presse le pas pour conclure les négociations commerciales avec l’Union européenne, les municipalités canadiennes sont de plus en plus préoccupées par les dangers de cette nouvelle entente.

Secret trade deal threatens democracy | 12-March-2012

A “free trade agreement” being negotiated by Australia, the United States and other countries could have profound impacts on crucial public policy issues including food security, natural resource management, access to essential medicines, public assets and more.

Trans-Pacific Trade Pact Reveals U.S.’s Unbridled Corporate Agenda | 10-March-2012

The 11th round of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) talks concluded in Melbourne Friday, with member states suggesting the negotiations had made significant progress but civil society groups reiterating concerns that the United States’ corporate demands could undermine social, economic and environmental policies.
"We do know that global corporations are pushing hard for the inclusion of provisions that benefit companies, but not necessarily workers and communities," Gerardine Kearney, President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), told IPS.

Varias ONG afirman ante la Eurocámara que el TLC creará más pobreza en Colombia y Perú | 8-March-2012

La plataforma Justicia por Colombia, que agrupa a varias ONG, expuso ante el Parlamento Europeo su rechazo al Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) de la Unión Europea (UE) con Colombia y Perú, por cuanto estiman que creará más pobreza y desigualdades en estos países latinoamericanos.

NGOs warn against corporate influence on trade talks | 1-March-2012

The 11th round of negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP begins in Melbourne, on Thursday. Civil society groups are warning against allowing corporate influence, to drive the talks with outcomes that may disadvantage the poor and vulnerable in those nations. Interview with Patricia Ranald of AFTINET.