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Solidaridad con Palestina en Caracas y AL, plantearán ruptura del TLC Mercosur – Israel | 21-November-2012

Los movimientos de solidaridad con el pueblo palestino de Gaza, ante la terrible e inhumana agresión militar del estado sionista de Israel, vienen planteando en los países del Mercosur, incluida Venezuela, que sus miembros denuncien el Tratado de Libre Comercio esa alianza comercial suramericana e Israel. En las movilizaciones se exigirá que el Mercosur rompa el tratado de libre comercio con el Estado de Israel.

Obama visit: Activists take TPP protest to airport | 19-November-2012

Activists from 14 non-governmental organisations and consumer advocacy groups gathered outside Don Mueang airport yesterday to protest against the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement (TPP).

Open letter to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra | 16-November-2012

Civil society groups urge Prime Minister Yingluck
Shinawatra to suspend any announcement to enter into negotiations towards the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) until there has been a comprehensive, clear and thorough study of both positive and negative consequences, and all steps have been taken to comply strictly with the Constitution,
including an urgent consultation with the people.

Plus de 400 partenaires de l’agriculture, des affaires et de la société civile se réunissent pour appuyer la gestion de l’offre | 12-November-2012

C’est à l’invitation conjointe de l’Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA), de La Coop fédérée et de la Coalition GO5 que 400 producteurs, transformateurs, représentants du milieu financier, partenaires d’affaires et sociaux se sont réunis au Centre Mont-Royal à Montréal, pour demander au gouvernement du Canada de maintenir une position très ferme dans la négociation finale de l’Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne, comme dans la négociation du Partenariat transpacifique (PTP).

FTA: the Colombian road map does not respect EP conditions | 9-November-2012

Open letter to the European Parliament from the Interantional Federation for Human Right

FTA Watch warns government about its violation of the constitution if the DTN goes ahead with the Thai-EU FTA negotiations | 9-November-2012

FTA Watch warns that the Thai government should conduct a new comprehensive and updated impact study on the possible outcomes of an EU-Thailand FTA, in light of the Eurozone crisis, as fast as possible.

Understanding free trade through the KORUS FTA & the necessity of regional economic cooperation | 6-November-2012

This booklet is based on the discussions between activists and academics during strategy meetings in Seoul and in Japan about economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific region. It focuses on the KORUS FTA which is a model of TPPA but also deals with the alternative model.