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Articles by language

  • 9-Mar-2009 La Estrella
    In the United States, 350 civil groups oppose FTA
    Around 350 US national, state and local groups from religious to environmental sectors, representing a combined total membership of 18 million, sent a letter to the House of Representatives asking lawmakers not to ratify the free trade agreement between Panama and the United States, insisting that Panama’s economy thrives on banking secrecy and money laundering
  • 8-Mar-2009 Daily Times
    MoI positive for completion of Pak-US BIT draft in April
    Pakistan’s Ministry of Investment (MoI) is hopeful for the completion of mutually agreed final draft of Pak-US Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) by April this year, as bilateral consultations on unresolved issues have already started afresh.
  • 8-Mar-2009 Stuff
    Obama puts off trade talks
    Just weeks from the start of talks on a trans-Pacific partnership deal, encompassing New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Brunei and the United States, President Barack Obama has put the talks on hold.
  • 8-Mar-2009 OpEd News
    Towards a Canada-EU Economic Trade Agreement and Beyond
    It came out during the Canadian election in October of 2008, that the Conservative government was set to begin negotiations with the European Union (EU) on deeper economic integration
  • 7-Mar-2009 Radio Taiwan International
    Premier pledges no Chinese workers under trade pact
    In response to fierce criticism over a trade pact the government may sign with China, Premier Liu Chao-shiuan has pledged that Taiwan’s sovereignty will not be affected by such a deal and that no Chinese workers will be introduced to Taiwan.
  • 7-Mar-2009
    Industry tycoon endorses Taiwan-China trade pact plan
    TSMC Chairman Morris Chang endorsed the government’s plan to sign free trade pacts with Taiwan’s major trading partners, saying Saturday that it would not be "too late" to sign a proposed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China by the end of this year.
  • 7-Mar-2009 Joong Ang Daily
    EU trade chief certain FTA can clear car hurdle
    The European Union’s trade chief is confident she can convince member states to back a free trade pact with Korea, despite fierce opposition from the bloc’s embattled car industry.
  • 6-Mar-2009 IHT
    Serbia, Iran to sign free trade agreement
    Serbia says it plans to sign a free trade agreement with Iran to boost economic cooperation.
  • 6-Mar-2009
    Expanding Canadian Trade Horizons
    It is clear that Canada must lessen its dependency on the U.S., but if future free trade deals are based on the failed NAFTA model, they could prove costly.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Global Trade Watch
    Not much free about this “free” trade agreement
    What right does the Australian government have to impose a free trade agreement on the peoples of ASEAN, without any sort of systems in place to represent their views or interests (rather than the views or interests of their rulers) in negotiations? And how many Australians want a free trade agreement with vicious, murderous regimes like Burma’s military junta anyway?
  • 6-Mar-2009 Radio New Zealand
    Trade agreement ’big deal’ for beef producers
    Meat & Wool New Zealand describes the prospect of a free trade agreement between New Zealand and South Korea as a "big deal" for domestic beef producers.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Modern Ghana
    Regional EPA due in June
    A regional Economic Partnership Agreement encompassing the West African region is expected to be signed later this year as negotiations are far advanced for a draft agreement in June 2009, and subsequently a full pact by the end of the year, the outgoing Head of the EU Delegation to Ghana has hinted.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Toronto Star
    Canada aims for free-trade talks with Europe
    The federal government hopes to open formal negotiations within months toward a free-trade deal with the European Union.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Weekly Times
    New Asian cattle trade deal
    Australia’s red meat and live cattle export trade to South-East Asia received a boost last week, with the signing of a new trade deal.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Daily Times
    Pakistan seeks UAE’s help for FTA with GCC
    Pakistan has sought market access from Canada and help from UAE for early completion of Free Trade Agreement with Gulf Cooperation Council.
  • 6-Mar-2009 ABC
    Beef industry keen to see Korean FTA signed
    Australia’s beef industry will be the big winner if free trade talks between the Government and South Korea are successful.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Daily Times
    India’s trade talks with EU may collapse
    India’s trade negotiations with the 27-nation European Union, the country’s largest trade partner accounting for 21 percent of merchandise exports, are threatened to collapse because of the non-trade issues like human rights and democracy issues including investigations into the alleged “extra judicial killings” in Jammu and Kashmir injected in the talks.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Bloomberg
    China seeks ‘comprehensive’ economic pact with Taiwan
    China will push for a comprehensive economic accord with Taiwan and wants to broaden discussions to involve military issues, Premier Wen Jiabao said.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Long Live Palestine
    Sign the petition to suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement
    Activists from The Peace Cycle will cycle from the International Courts of Justice in the Hague to the European Parliament in Brussels, to hand-deliver this petition to the European Parliament on 31 March 2009.
  • 6-Mar-2009 Reuters
    ASSOCHAM seeks early India-ASEAN pact to boost trade
    India needs to expedite a free trade pact with the South-east Asian nations to boost exports in the face of a global economic downturn and rising protectionism, an industry body said on Thursday.