Japan-GCC : Free trade deal on the way

Gulf Daily News | 9 October 2008

Free trade deal on the way


MANAMA : THE Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) is on the verge of signing a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Japan, it was revealed yesterday. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Middle East regional head Norihiko Kato said talks were at an advanced staged and could be concluded shortly.

He told the GDN that discussions between the parties started as Bahrain was finalising its FTA with the US, which was signed in 2004 and implemented two years ago.

"Trade between our two parts of the world has been increasing over the last many years and this will only increase once the FTA is a reality," he said.

"Bahrain is an important component of the GCC region and will stand to benefit tremendously as well."

source : GDN

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