156 arrested in Peru anti-government protests

Associated Press | 9 July 2009

156 arrested in Peru anti-government protests

STRIKE : Peruvian indigenous people march during a nationwide strike in Lima. Thousands of Peruvians marched and piled boulders on highways across Peru to protest the pro-business policies of President Alan Garcia. (Reuters)

Peru’s national police chief says 156 people were arrested during anti-government and anti-free trade protests called by the country’s largest labour union.

Gen. Jose Sanchez says police arrested 127 in the capital, where 2,500 people gathered downtown for a rally. The rest were arrested at protests in other cities.

Union chief Mario Huaman is calling for the resignation of all of President Alan Garcia’s ministers, the cancellation of Peru’s free trade pacts and wage increases for workers.

Police cleared highway blockades in four provinces on Wednesday and PeruRail suspended the only rail service to Peru’s ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu as a precautionary measure.

source : Stuff

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