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Open letter from civil society on the US-Thailand FTA negotiations | 29-March-2005

On 4-8 April 2005, negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Thai and the US will take place in Pattaya. Following two previous rounds in Hawaii, the US is expected to submit demands on remaining issues, the most important of which is the issue of patents. This is a sign-on statement to call on the Thai government to halt the third round of negotiations in order to conduct a through review of the outstanding points and the negotiating position towards the FTA.

Guatemala: tres días de protesta luego de Semana Santa | 22-March-2005

La Asamblea del Magisterio Nacional (ANM) y varias organizaciones sindicales y populares informaron que, luego de finalizada la Semana Santa, se reiniciarán las protestas en contra del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC)

Letter to reject environment chapter of CAFTA (Eng/Esp) | 8-March-2005

We are enclosing a letter in English and Spanish proposed by different Central American and USA organizations to be delivered in our respective Congresses. We are protesting the contents and consecuences that the US-DR-CAFTA will bring in general to the society and the environment, but especially in this case Chapter No. 17 related to environment.

Declaración de mujeres campesinas en el Día Internacional de la Mujer | 7-March-2005

Las mujeres campesinas costarricenses organizadas en la Coordinadora de Mujeres Campesinas, que agrupa a 40 grupos locales de mujeres rurales, reiteran su posición contra el TLC y por su derecho a la biodiversidad y la producción.

Jornadas de movilización nacional de mujeres en contra del Tratado de Libre Comercio | 3-March-2005

Las mujeres queremos más que flores queremos decidir sobre nuestro presente y futuro: !!!!! Exigimos Consulta Popular sobre el TLC!