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Colombia: TLC es un ’Frankenstein’ que aumentará el narcotráfico, afirman opositores | 30-March-2007

El Congreso de EEUU debe rechazar el acuerdo comercial con Colombia porque es un ’Frankenstein con pintalabios’ y un fenómeno que aumentará el desempleo y el narcotráfico, afirmaron líderes de ese país contrarios al tratado

Costa Rica confronta el tratado de libre comercio | 30-March-2007

Costa Rica es el único país potencialmente miembro del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Centroamérica (menos Panamá y Belice), República Dominicana y Estados Unidos que todavía no lo ha ratificado. Y la apuesta del movimiento popular y social es a seguir bloqueando la aprobación del tratado

Anti-FTA protests to continue on last day of FTA talks | 30-March-2007

Protests against free trade talks between South Korea and the United States continue Friday as negotiators make a last-ditch effort to find ways to conclude a deal before a weekend deadline. The Korean Alliance Against the Korea-US FTA plans to hold an evening candlelight protest in downtown Seoul with more than 10,000 workers, farmers and activists taking part.

Last minute bid to delay FTA | 29-March-2007

Four anti-free trade groups will today seek an emergency order from Thailand’s Supreme Administrative Court to stop the signing of the free trade area (FTA) agreement with Japan next week. They are the Khao Kwan Foundation, the Bio Thai Foundation, the Consumers’ Foundation and the Aids Access Foundation.

Put pressure on gov’ts to stop EPA negotiations - ACP countries told | 28-March-2007

The Ghana Trade and Livelihood Coalition (GTLC), has called for mass mobilization of people in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to put pressure on their governments to stop the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations while urging various Parliaments not to ratify the agreement if it is signed.

Anti-FTA protests continue in Seoul | 28-March-2007

Despite chilling rain, South Korean farmers, workers and activists continued their protests opposing a free trade deal with the United States, with a large-scale candlelight vigil scheduled for Wednesday evening.

Costa Rica: Hasta que el Gobierno retire tratado de la Asamblea | 27-March-2007

Las agrupaciones anti TLC no aceptarán el llamado de los rectores universitarios

Indígenas de Abya Yala reunidos en Guatemala manifiestan oposición a neoliberalismo | 27-March-2007

Blanca Chancoso mencionó que otros propósitos de la Cumbre son elaborar de manera conjunta las estrategias para oponerse a los TLC que amenacen a su futuro, planteando alternativas al respecto, así como una agenda continental indígena

Ex ministros surcoreanos en huelga de hambre contra TLC con EEUU | 27-March-2007

Un ex presidente del partido gubernamental de Corea del Sur se unió hoy a una huelga de hambre contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio con EEUU, iniciada por varios parlamentarios hace días, en vísperas de que concluyan las negociaciones en Seúl

FMLN salvadoreño confía en anular TLC con Washington | 26-March-2007

El opositor Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) de El Salvador apuesta hoy al recurso de inconstitucionalidad para lograr anular el tratado de libre comercio firmado con Washington

Corea del Sur: gran marcha contra el TLC | 26-March-2007

Miles de manifestantes de Corea del Sur se dieron cita ayer en las calles de Seúl para protestar contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos

Anti-FTA protests continue amid last round of FTA talks | 26-March-2007

Protests continued in Seoul on Monday as negotiators from South Korea and the United States began their final round of talks, hoping to seal a free trade agreement (FTA), organizers and police said.

Trade pact opponents get air time | 26-March-2007

Thai activists opposed to the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) with Japan last night persuaded the TITV channel to air their views on the issue. About 300 members of consumer groups, HiV/Aids groups and farmers marched to the TITV studios on Vibhavadi Rangsit road after a seminar on the possible impact of the FTA deal which the interim government plans to sign with Japan next week.

Thousands denounce South Korea-US free trade plans as negotiations intensify | 25-March-2007

Thousands of South Koreans took to the streets Sunday to denounce a proposed free trade agreement between their country and the United States just days ahead of a deadline for negotiators to strike a deal.

SKorean activists rally against free trade talks | 25-March-2007

Thousands of South Korean farmers and anti-globalisation activists marched in Seoul on Sunday in a rally against free trade talks with the United States.

| 25-March-2007

FTA Watch yesterday published a document entitled "The Inconvenient Truth of Jtepa" to increase awareness about issues that it claims the government has hidden from the public.

Labor party leader on hunger strike against free trade agreement with US | 23-March-2007

A weary yet defiant looking Korean labor party leader has been a fixture in front of the president’s office for more than two weeks, on a hunger strike against South Korea’s imminent free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States. "FTA, I believe, only stands for ’For The Americans’," Moon Sung-hyun said.

Declaration and pledge to oppose the Korea-US free trade agreement | 23-March-2007

Join Korean Americans Against War and Neoliberalism (KAWAN) and the Korean Alliance Against the Korus FTA (KoA) in waging a global hunger strike against the Korea-United States free trade agreement (KorUS FTA) and the Bush free trade agenda.

El TLC con EEUU hace dudar a Costa Rica | 20-March-2007

El Gobierno de Arias impulsa la ratificación, pero una férrea oposición y el tiempo apremiante podrían convertir al país en el primero en atreverse a rechazar un acuerdo con Washington

International day of action against the Korea-US FTA and all US FTAs | 20-March-2007

We, the Korean Alliance against Korea-US FTA (KoA), call for an international day of joint action on Sunday, March 25, 2007. To the people struggling to stop the spread of neoliberal globalization, we ask for your solidarity and strength in stopping the Korea-US FTA and all US FTAs.

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