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Anti-mining activists killed in El Salvador | 30-December-2009

For the second time in a week, a prominent anti-mining activist has been assassinated in El Salvador.

Haïti-Ue-Ape : La coalition « Bare Ape » appelle le parlement à ne pas ratifier l’accord | 22-December-2009

La coalition nationale « Bare Ape » dénonce la signature de l’Accord de partenariat économique (Ape) par le gouvernement haïtien et demande au parlement de ne pas ratifier le document.

Trade unionists ask EU not to sign FTA with Colombia | 10-December-2009

Colombian trade unionists on Wednesday asked the EU not to sign an FTA with Colombia due to the human rights violations they believe to have been committed by the Uribe government.

Resist trailer now online | 7-December-2009

Having received hundreds of stories of resistance from all over the world, we’ve spent the last few months focusing on the Wall that is being built along the USA’s entire border with Mexico.

Trabajadores peruanos marcharon contra Alan García y el TLC con Chile | 27-November-2009

Mostraron su repudio a la política económica del mandatario, que califican de "entreguista". En la actividad participó el líder nacionalista Ollanta Humala.

Warning to the government against the corporatization of the Land and the Sea: Blockade! | 26-November-2009

On 23/11/2009 the South Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers Movement (SICCFM) organized a mass rally and blocked the new Mangalore port in Karnataka against the corporatization of land and sea, and the destructive cheap imports of food and crops because of WTO and FTAs

Farmers protest import of edible oils | 25-November-2009

Hundreds of farmers from across the State led by the Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha blocked the main entrance of the New Mangalore Port on Monday in a symbolic protest against the Union Government’s policy allowing the duty-free import of edible oils.

L’USP veut stopper les négociations sur l’accord de libre-échange | 23-November-2009

Les agriculteurs suisses ont réitéré leur opposition à un accord de libre-échange agricole avec l’Union européenne (UE).

Suspender la negociación del TLC de la Unión Europea con Perú y Colombia: freno a la injusticia y la desigualdad | 20-November-2009

Consenso de organizaciones, redes y movimientos sociales a partir de la VI Ronda celebrada entre el 21 y 25 de septiembre en Bruselas.

Organizaciones de Europa y América Latina se oponen a TLC de la Unión Europea, Perú y Colombia | 19-November-2009

En el marco de la VII Ronda de Negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio –TLC- entre la Unión Europea, Perú y Colombia, que se realiza en Bogotá, más de 130 organizaciones sociales de Europa y América Latina - entre ellas la Red Birregional Europa, América Latina y el Caribe "Enlazando Alternativas" reiteran su demanda de “suspender la negociación de la Unión Europea con Perú y Colombia"

Organizaciones piden suspensión de TLC entre la UE y países andinos | 19-November-2009

En documento, divulgado el último lunes (16), más de 200 organizaciones sociales, sindicatos y entidades indígenas peruanas, andinas, europeas y latinoamericanas demandan la suspensión de la negociación del Tratado y el "freno a la injusticia y a la desigualdad".

Acto en Bruselas condena tratados comerciales entre Europa y América Latina | 19-November-2009

Para los manifestantes, los tratados integran un modelo económico global que genera la incapacidad de los países latinoamericanos para promover políticas de desarrollo, profundiza la pobreza de los pueblos, las graves violaciones de derechos humanos, la concentración de la riqueza y de la tierra, entre otras "consecuencias nefastas".

SKorean farmers protest against free trade with US | 17-November-2009

More than twenty thousand South Korean farmers rallied on Tuesday to denounce free trade with the United States, ahead of US President Barack Obama’s visit to the country.

Nov. 19 Nl: Workshop on Global Europe and strategies on European Free Trade Agreements | 5-November-2009

Activists from different countries with which the EU tries to sign (free) trade agreements will tel us about their campaigns.

’Authorized’ Minga in Colombia? The challenges of popular movements | 5-November-2009

The Minga will continue. But if it loses its essence, it risks becoming a form of resistance that is considered acceptable to power.

Fishworkers call for march to Parliament on November 11, 2009 against ASEAN-India FTA | 27-October-2009

The anger among the Fishworkers, in the face of such a monstrous Agreement, was elaborated by T. Peter (President, KSMTF): “The Fishing Community in Kerala will take all measures to stop this agreement, and will physically prevent any vessel carrying fish from the ASEAN nations from entering Cochin Harbour”.

Protest in solidarity with people of Honduras | 25-October-2009

Meredith Aby, of the Anti-War Committee and the Colombia Action Network, explained the root of the coup, "While in office Zelaya took some strong stands to help his people, like increasing the minimum wage and standing with ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America) against the US’s free trade agenda in the region."

Documentary on free trade protests | 24-October-2009

While researching for a film on the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) – a tri-lateral initiative between Mexico, the United States, and Canada – B.C. filmmaker Paul Manly was convinced by people to head to Montebello, Que., for a 2007 summit attended by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, US President George W Bush, and Mexican President Felipe Calderón.

PERU. FIDH presenta informe de Misión sobre sucesos de Bagua | 23-October-2009

"PERÚ-BAGUA, Derramamiento de sangre en el contexto del paro amazónico - Urge abrir diálogo de buena fe". Informe de la misión de la FIDH que visitó Perú los días 16 a 19 de junio de 2009 tras los violentos sucesos de Bagua.

Activistas sociales colombianos critican en Alemania TLC con Europa | 19-October-2009

Activistas sociales de Colombia pidieron hoy aquí a la Unión Europea y a Alemania exigir más garantías de derechos humanos al gobierno colombiano en las negociaciones sobre un Tratado de Libre Comercio.