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SADC Churches discuss SACU | 13-September-2010

A regional SACU civil society conference has recommended that there is a need for a broader regional agenda anchored on the strength of small economies in the region.

SAPSN summit ends with calls to reject EPA | 26-August-2010

The Southern African People’s Network summit ended with a call from more than 350 grassroots representatives for regional governments to reject the imposition of the Economic Partnership Agreements.

Organizations launch a campaign against Bilateral Investment Treaties | 25-August-2010

Various organizations and social networks in Latin America launched a Continental Campaign against bilateral investment treaties and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes.

Organizaciones lanzan campaña contra Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión | 25-August-2010

Varias organizaciones y redes sociales de América Latina lanzaron una Campaña Continental contra los TBI y el Ciadi.

’Alternative’ SADC summit on the sidelines | 20-August-2010

While SADC heads of state and government meet in Windhoek this week, civil society organisations from the region are also holding a two-day meeting in Windhoek called ’The SADC People’s Summit’.

Obama and “free trade:” eight items of note and one obvious conclusion | 20-August-2010

From this recent history of Obama’s words and deeds with regards to “free trade” we should expect an offensive, similar in scope and scale to the US military escalation under way around the world, to obtain passage of the Colombia FTA, starting probably right after the November mid-term elections.

Indian people’s call for ’Freedom from FTAs’ | 16-August-2010

On India’s Independence Day on 15th August 2010, recalling the fight against colonial powers that came in through the trade route, a people’s call for ’Freedom from FTAs’ has been given out through the Forum Against FTAs in India

FSA: Estrategias contra los tratados bilaterales de inversión | 13-August-2010

Se desarrolló un taller con el objetivo de avanzar en las estrategias de la Campaña Continental contra los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TIBs) y los Tribunales de Arbitraje (CIADI).

Maps of corporations to gain new rights to sue under Korea FTA | 12-August-2010

Public Citizen now have exclusive Google maps of the locations of corporations that would gain new rights to challenge public interest laws under the US-Korea FTA.

Day of retail democracy | 10-August-2010

Today, on 9th August, taking a leaf from the ‘Quit India’ movement for independence of India, retailers and hawkers observed ‘Day of Retail Democracy’ by organizing sit-in protest across India against move to allow foreign direct investment in multibrand retail and negotiations for free trade agreements (FTA).

Moratorium needed on Pacific trade talks, warn Pacific Civil Society Organisations | 5-August-2010

Civil society groups from the Pacific including churches, trade unions, gender groups, indigenous rights groups and advocacy groups launched a statement calling for a moratorium on negotiations for a new Pacific-wide free trade agreement known as PACER-Plus.

TPPA Campaign: Don’t trade away health, labour, cultural and environmental policies | 26-July-2010

Thirty Australian unions and community groups have asked the Trade Minister to safeguard the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, Australian local content in media, regulation of GE food, regulation of foreign investment and industry policies that support local employment in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)

Nace nueva central sindical panamericana contra TLC | 22-July-2010

Una central sindical nueva, que responde al nombre de Consejo Global Unions Americas quedó conformada por organizaciones de trabajadores de Canadá, Estados Unidos y América Latina.

EU seized in Vienna | 22-July-2010

It appears that the EU has dropped its demands for patent
extensions and may have made data exclusivity subject to compulsory licensing in the EU-India FTA.

Le stand de l’UE à la conférence sur le sida "saisi" par des militants défenseurs des génériques | 21-July-2010

Le stand de la Commission européenne à la Conférence internationale sur le sida à Vienne a été "saisi" symboliquement mercredi par des militants pour protester contre des saisies dans l’UE de médicaments génériques destinés à des pays en développement.

Des Canadiens militent contre l’accord de libre-échange avec l’Europe | 12-July-2010

Des voix s’élèvent contre l’accord de libre-échange projeté entre le Canada et l’Union européenne. Une délégation du Conseil des Canadiens se rendra même à Bruxelles la semaine prochaine pour faire part de ses préoccupations à des politiciens européens.

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on the U.S.- South Korea Trade Agreement | 30-June-2010

We remain deeply concerned about and strongly opposed to the U.S.-South Korea trade agreement as negotiated by the Bush Administration. The agreement would exacerbate our already lopsided trade relationship with South Korea, putting at risk thousands of good U.S. jobs in the auto, steel, and other industrial sectors.

IFG and allies rally for "New deal or no deal" at TPP talks in SF | 23-June-2010

International Forum on Globalisation protest at TPP negotiations in San Francisco

Trade deal must safeguard our sovereignty | 16-June-2010

A second round of negotiations towards the Transpacific Partnership Trade Agreement (TPPTA) is taking place this week in San Francisco. New Zealand is one of eight parties along with the US, Australia, Singapore, Chile, Peru, Brunei and Vietnam, and others may join.

Israel’s Freedom Flotilla Massacre underlines the urgency of intensifying BDS | 15-June-2010

We call on civil society organisations to pressure their governments to end free trade agreements (FTAs) with Israel, and implement an immediate arms embargo against it, as was called for previously by Amnesty International after Cast Lead