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Déclaration finale du Sommet des Peuples « Enlazando Alternativas IV » | 27-May-2010

Nous rejetons énergiquement les traités de libre-échange, les accords d’association et les traités bilatéraux d’investissement qui ont fait l’objet de pactes entre quelques gouvernements Latino-Américains et Européens, négociés dans le dos et contre les intérêts de nos peuples.

Protest against CEPA | 26-May-2010

A large group of Sri Lankan entrepreneurs, businessmen and workers launched a protest outside the Liberty Plaza complex at Kollupitiya yesterday, opposing the CEPA trade agreement with India.

Structural adjustment, but worse. It’s the EU’s proposed Economic Partnership Agreements! | 24-May-2010

The relatively narrow few who will benefit from increased exports to Europe are the ones whose voices are being heard over and above the many more who will suffer from European imports and the further increase in unregulated foreign involvement on African soil.

Taiwanese protest trade deal with China | 21-May-2010

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside of Taiwan’s parliament on Thursday. Led by the main opposition party, the protesters called for a referendum on a free trade deal that is due to be signed with China in June.

Neoliberalism alive and well, as trade deals inked between EU, Latin America | 21-May-2010

Labor unions, human rights advocates and workers across both continents are opposing the new trade agreements at a time when Europe is struggling to rebound from the financial crisis, suddenly intensifed by the recent turmoil in Greece. The popular opposition to free trade could foreshadow similar conflicts in the United States, as several deals with Latin American countries are currently stalled in Congress.

Farmers of La Via Campesina mobilize in Madrid against EU’s neoliberal trade agenda! | 18-May-2010

The only beneficiaries of Europe’s free trade agreements are the same transnational corporations and international financial investors which have caused the current economic, social, environmental and political crisis.

España: Se movilizan contra agenda neoliberal de comercio de la Unión Europea (EU) | 17-May-2010

Representantes de La Vía Campesina de Europa y América Latina exigieron hoy en Madrid a más de 60 jefes de Estado de Europa y América Latina abandonar las negociaciones para firmar acuerdos de libre comercio entre sus países y regiones y la UE.

Amérique latine-Europe : En route vers le sommet des peuples à Madrid ! | 13-May-2010

Il faut combattre ces accords, c’est le sens de notre présence à Madrid. Et cette bataille doit s’appuyer à l’intérieur de l’UE sur la lutte contre la privatisation des services publics, la défense des acquis sociaux et la conquête de nouveaux droits, et contre la mascarade du capitalisme maquillé de « vert ».

Farmers from both sides of the Atlantic unite for food sovereignty | 12-May-2010

The European Union is eager to sign free-trade agreements under the Spanish presidency between the EU and MERCOSUR, Central America and Peru and Colombia. Farmer’s organizations from both Latin American countries and Europe are united in their opposition to the talks.

Colombia: Enérgica constancia contra ministros de Comercio y Agricultura por rehuir el debate sobre el TLC con la UE, deja Robledo | 12-May-2010

Más de 400 mil familias condenadas a la ruina por el TLC con la Unión Europea. En contraste, la UE subsidia a sus productores con más de 100 mil millones de dólares al año. Respaldo a la protesta democrática convocada por Fedegan para el próximo 19 de mayo.

Colombia: Ganaderos preparan movilización contra TLC | 11-May-2010

La Asociación de Ganaderos de Santa Ana (Asogans) prepara minuciosamente la gran movilización que se llevará a cabo el día 19 de mayo en el municipio de Santa Ana, en rechazo de la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio con la Unión Europea, ya que las referidas negaciones internacionales, lesionan gravemente los intereses del sector ganadero.

Tweet-In for Colombia – Stop the free trade agreement | 11-May-2010

The time is now to stop the Conservatives and Liberals who are trying to rush through a harmful free trade agreement with Colombia without properly assessing its potential impact on human rights, workers and the environment.

Peuples d’Europe et d’Amérique latine unis contre le libéralisme de Bruxelles | 10-May-2010

Le sixième sommet UE-Amérique latine pourrait être boycotté par les présidents de l’hémisphère Sud. En marge de cette grand-messe, le sommet alternatif dénonce les accords de libre-échange et ses conséquences sociales.

Livestock keepers concerns on FTAs | 4-May-2010

Letter to the Government of India about the impacts of FTAs on livestock keepers and traditional pastoral communities

EU-India FTA to adversely impact agriculture, livelihoods, health: FAFTA | 3-May-2010

The Government of India came under attack from a coalition of groups representing farmers unions, trade unions, hawkers, public health and other civil society organisations on the ongoing, secret negotiations on a European Union–India Free Trade Agreement (EU-India FTA)

Taiwan workers protest against planned China deal | 3-May-2010

Thousands of Taiwanese people took to the streets of the capital on Saturday for a labour day protest against a planned trade pact with China that they say will threaten the island’s workforce.

Protest held against govt’s FTAs in Mumbai | 2-May-2010

Public health groups, patients’ groups and other community-based organisations today staged a protest here against the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) which are being negotiated by the Indian government.