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related to | 29-January-2011

Maude Barlow explains why Canadians should oppose the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement otherwise known as CETA

Call for people’s alliance to defeat FTA agenda | 24-January-2011

“India’s enthusiasm for Free Trade Agreements, in the context of the current global crisis when countries are eschewing trade liberalisation and concentrating on reviving domestic economies and creating jobs, defies economic logic,” said K.N. Harilal of the Centre for Development Studies and member of the Kerala State Planning Board.

KORUS FTA protested in San Francisco | 23-January-2011

Citizens and activists joined Kim Kyung-Ran, Director of External Relations for the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, in a rally at San Francisco’s new Federal Building to oppose the KORUS deal. Video and photos.

Colonisation again? | 22-January-2011

The FTA issue is so serious; and the fact that the Malaysian government is taking it so lightly is alarming, says Sarajun Hoda Abdul Hassan.

Lobby group formed to force openness on free trade agreement | 19-January-2011

Following Professor Jane Kelsey’s plea for greater openness in negotiations around the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement (TPPA), a lobby consisting of trade unionists and others and calling itself TPP Watch has launched an online petition to force release of the interim text of the treaty as it is negotiated.

Protest against CETA at the European Commission in Brussels | 18-January-2011

This morning the Council of Canadians joined with Canadian allies — the Canadian Union of Public Employees, the National Farmers Union, the Indigenous Environmental Network, ATTAC-Quebec, Alternatives — and European allies — Friends of the Earth Europe, the UK Tar Sands Network, La Via Campesina Europe — in front of the European Commission headquarters in Brussels to denounce the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the tar sands.

Protesters invade British government office over tar sands trade deal | 17-January-2011

On Friday morning, a group of protesters invaded Britain’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and are demanding a meeting with Stephen Green, the new minister for trade. Calling themselves the "Big Society Trade Negotiators," they are concerned that trade negotiations between the EU and Canada, due to start in Brussels on Monday, will dramatically boost Europe’s involvement in the Canadian tar sands — the most destructive project on earth.

Trade Justice Network to challenge Canada-EU free trade talks in Brussels, Strasbourg | 17-January-2011

Members of the Trade Justice Network, which comprises over two dozen Canadian environmental, labour, Indigenous, farmers, and social justice organizations critical of the CETA negotiations, will travel to Brussels and Strasbourg next week to meet with European decision makers and civil society groups to express their opposition to the deal.

Korea free trade agreement draws protests in SF | 16-January-2011

Outside the Federal Building at Seventh and Mission streets in San Francisco, California Fair Trade Coalition Director Tim Robertson beat the drum against the proposed free trade agreement with Korea.

ALE UE-Maroc : L’UE poursuit la destruction de l’agriculture paysanne | 14-January-2011

La Coordinadora Europea Vía Campesina llama a los diputados y las diputadas europeos a rechazar este acuerdo que tendrá consecuencias desastrosas en ambos lados del Mediterráneo.

TLC UE–Marruecos: La UE sigue con la destrucción de la agricultura campesina | 14-January-2011

La Coordinadora Europea Vía Campesina llama a los diputados y las diputadas europeos a rechazar este acuerdo que tendrá consecuencias desastrosas en ambos lados del Mediterráneo.

Rally to stop the Korea-US FTA (14 Jan 2011 in SF) | 14-January-2011

As the Obama administration moves closer to introducing the NAFTA-style Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) to Congress, citizens and activists will join Kim Kyung-Ran, Director of External Relations for the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, in a rally to oppose the deal.

Working Iowans should oppose the US-South Korea FTA | 10-January-2011

When Senator Grassley, House Speaker Boehner and others speak for the need to ratify the US-South Korea Free Trade Agreement, there is an underlying presumption that members of the US middle class are either not paying attention or have forgotten that unrestricted access to US markets benefits the wealthy and puts pressure on the middle class.