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EU and US business to profit from the crisis? | 14-June-2013

After the green light received from the Council, the European Commission will start negotiating an FTA with the US in July. It is already clear the concerns of civil society organisations, of the European Parliament and of Member States, will not be addressed.

Court ruling fails to stop business lobbies’ privileged access in EU-India trade talks | 13-June-2013

In a ruling delivered on 7 June following a lawsuit by lobby watchdog Corporate Europe Observatory, the EU’s General Court in Luxembourg concludes that the European Commission did not violate EU rules when withholding information about the EU-India free trade talks from the public, even though it had already shared the information with corporate lobby groups

Small B.C. First Nation challenging Canada-China free trade agreement | 6-June-2013

Members of the Hupacasath First Nations, seen in 2008 at a forestry protest, are now challenging a Canada-China free trade agreement. Photograph by: Wayne Leidenfrost , PNG file photo

LA social movements map solidarity with ALBA alliance | 27-May-2013

An important summit of global significance, held in Brazil May 16-20, has largely passed below the radar of most media outlets, including many left and progressive sources.

Perú: ¡por un límite NO negociable de nuestros derechos! | 20-May-2013

En el marco de las negociaciones del Acuerdo de Asociación Trans Pacífico (TPP) en las que participa el Perú junto con -hasta el momento- otros diez Estados, solicitamos que el Gobierno peruano establezca límites no negociables que garanticen nuestros derechos en los siguientes temas.

Plantón contra el TPP | 20-May-2013

Decenas de personas se congregaron frente al Hotel Marriott, donde se realizan las negociaciones del acuerdo comercial.

Consumers International releases three new papers on the TPP for the Lima round | 20-May-2013

Consumers International (CI) has commissioned the production of three papers, the first on the competition chapter by one of our members, and the other two by independent experts, respectively covering the investment chapter and how it affects A2K, and the free flow of information provision and its impacts on privacy.

In whose interest is EU-India FTA being negotiated? | 16-May-2013

NGOS, academics, patient groups, humanitarian organisations, trade unions, farmers groups and mass movements, representing hundreds of organisations and networks across the country, asked Mr. Anand Sharma, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, to explain to the nation which sectors and who exactly are benefiting from the FTA that is currently being negotiated with the European Union.

Colombia: Paro nacional de productores | 13-May-2013

Los campesinos productores de papa y productos agrícolas de clima frío de Colombia iniciaron el 7 de mayo un paro nacional hasta tanto el gobierno atienda sus reivindicaciones.

Organizaciones sociales condenan la ratificación del TLC entre la UE y Colombia-Perú | 10-May-2013

Con el voto de PP, PSOE, PNV y CiU, el Congreso de los Diputados ratificó el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre UE–Colombia y Perú, pese a las críticas de organizaciones y movimientos sociales, sindicatos y el rechazo de Izquierda Plural, ERC, CC y Amaiur.

Japanese movement against TPP growing | 10-May-2013

Critics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership say it’s an attempt to impose an American system on Japan and would threaten Japanese public healthcare system.

Traders protest against govt policies on FDI, FTA | 6-May-2013

Traders and several union leaders from different states of India today participated in a rally to protest against the government’s initiatives like opening up retail sector for foreign investors and proposed India-EU FTA.

ONG alemanas rechazan el TLC entre la UE y Colombia y Perú | 3-May-2013

Organizaciones civiles temen negativos efectos sociales, medioambientales y de derechos humanos tras la firma de un Tratado de Libre Comercio entre la UE y Colombia y Perú, y piden al Bundesrat que no lo ratifique.

Carta abierta al presidente Correa: No al TLC con la UE | 30-April-2013

La red de organizaciones sociales Ecuador Decide recibió con agrado, en el año 2009, su anuncio público de proceder a la denuncia de Tratados de Protección Recíproca de Inversiones, firmados por gobiernos anteriores, desde el año 1968, así como la posición oficial de no firmar Tratados de Libre Comercio. Sin embargo, estamos desconcertados ante las informaciones de prensa durante su visita a Alemania.

Uruguay: Tratados de Libre Comercio e Inversiones: ¿negocio para quiénes? | 24-April-2013

26 de abril a las 19 hs. en el Café La Diaria, Soriano 770, Montevideo. Disertará la experta internacional Cecilia Olivet.

L’accord entre l’Union Européenne et l’Inde menace l’accès aux traitements en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient | 12-April-2013

La Coalition Internationale pour la préparation aux traitements en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient (ITPC-MENA), le CSAT-MENA, l’Association marocaine de lutte contre le sida (ALCS-Maroc), le Réseau Marocain Pour le Droit a la santé (RMDS), L’Espace associatif (EA) et l’Association Marocaine des droits humains (AMDH) dénoncent les conséquences de l’accord commercial en cours de finalisation entre l’Union européenne et l’Inde.

Cambodian people’s statement on the EU-India free trade agreement on generic drugs | 10-April-2013

We, Cambodian garment workers, sex workers, entertainment workers, people living with HIV, LGBTs, university students, feminists and human right activists from different networks and organisations came together to express our concern about the threat posed by the forthcoming EU-India free trade agreement to the lives of millions of people in Cambodia and many other developing countries across the world.

L’accord de libre-échange entre l’UE et l’Inde met des millions de vies en danger | 10-April-2013

Des militants de différents pays européens et des euro-députés se réunissent devant le Parlement européen pour réclamer l’abandon de dispositions mettant en danger l’accès aux médicaments.

Join the rally to oppose EU-India FTA! | 9-April-2013

Around 2000 people including people living with HIV (PLHIV), patient groups and public health activists will take to the streets and rally from Barakhamba road to Jantar Mantar at 11.00 am on 10 April 2013 to voice concerns and protest against harmful provisions being pushed by the EU-India FTA negotiations

Colombia: Nueve propuestas mínimas para la reafirmación de la soberanía frente al capital transnacional | 26-March-2013

Denuncia o revisión de tratados de libre comercio. Los tratados de libre comercio suscritos por el Gobierno colombiano con gobiernos extranjeros serán denunciados, o en su defecto revisados, si a ello hubiere lugar.