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A corporate coup of a different order: The growing resistance to the Trans-Pacific Partnership | 27-September-2013

As the Obama administration ramps up its negotiations and its pursuit of “fast-track” authority, opposition from lawmakers and activists has similarly escalated, reports Toward Freedom.

Les organisations paysannes d’Afrique de l’Ouest en lutte contre l’APE | 27-September-2013

Le réseau des organisations paysannes de producteurs agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA) s’insurge contre l’Accord de partenariat économique (APE).

Indian civil society urges the Prime Minister to review and rescind the damaging US-India bilateral investment treaty | 26-September-2013

On the occasion of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s visit to the USA, where he is supposed to discuss a Bilateral Investment Treaty between India and the US, the Forum against FTAs, a coalition of over 75 organisations, farmers groups, trade unions and development activists, calls upon the Prime Minister to review and rescind its decision to engage in this damaging treaty.

Protesters urge President Obama to ‘flush’ Pacific trade deal | 23-September-2013

A crowd of about 60 activists chanted their disapproval of the proposed agreement outside the office of the US Trade Representative while a juggler wearing a dark business suit and a huge Obama mask repeatedly dropped his bowling pins marked “Jobs,” “Truth” and “Peace”

Trans Pacific free trade deal to drive up medicine costs: global health group | 20-September-2013

The Global Asthma Network warns that the proposed Pacific-wide free trade agreement could lead to higher costs for essential medicines around the world.

The proposed EU-US free trade agreement and the NHS | 20-September-2013

This treaty, if passed, would represent an enormous challenge to public-owned health services across Europe.

Colombia: Zapateros se toman el Ministerio de Comercio en contra del TLC con Panamá | 19-September-2013

Más de 200 productores de cuero y de calzado de Bogotá realizan a esta hora una manifestación pacífica en las instalaciones del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo en contra del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Panamá que firmará esta semana el Gobierno Nacional.

Activists warn of EU FTA dangers | 19-September-2013

While Thai authorities trumpet the progress of the second round of negotiations for a free-trade agreement with the European Union, activists are harsh in their opposition, particularly on the opening up of the pharmaceutical and agricultural sectors.

L’Europe citoyenne contre le traité transatlantique | 18-September-2013

À l’appel d’Attac et d’Aitec, plus de 50 représentant(e)s d’organisations et de réseaux citoyens affirment leur refus du traité transatlantique.

National farmers and social strike gets seeds control law 970 suspended | 18-September-2013

In Colombia after 21 days of a nationwide strike by thousands of farmers, blocking more than 40 roads nationwide, protesting farmers forced the Colombian government to negotiate the rejection of a farm bill and the release of detained protesters. Report from Real News Network.

Il faut se soulever contre l’accord de libre-échange transatlantique | 18-September-2013

Marie-Monique Robin (réalisatrice des documentaires : Le Monde selon Monsanto et Les Moissons du Futur) revient sur le désastre humanitaire provoqué par l’ALENA et nous met en garde contre l’accord de libre-échange transatlantique qui se prépare.

Accord de libre échange UE/Thaïlande : pas au détriment de l’accès aux médicaments | 18-September-2013

Communiqué de presse interassociatif (Act Up-Paris, HAI, Oxfam, Action against AIDS)

Peruvian legislators file motion seeking public debate on the Trans Pacific Partnership | 18-September-2013

On August 28, a group of members of the Peruvian legislature – the Parlamentario Acción Popular-Frente Amplio – proposed [a motion that asks for greater transparency in the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.

Acompañamiento y solidaridad a la Cumbre Nacional Agraria en Colombia | 17-September-2013

"Nosotras y nosotros delegados y delegadas que conformamos la comisión política continental de la CLOC Vía Campesina, reunidos en Santiago de Chile los días 7 al 11 de setiembre, nos solidarizamos con el Paro Agrario y Popular de Colombia..."

EU’s Everything But Arms initiative is impoverishing Cambodian farmers | 17-September-2013

An EU trade initiative intended to reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries has driven thousands of Cambodian farming families into destitution and led to serious human rights violations, Inclusive Development International (IDI) and Equitable Cambodia and said in a report released Monday.

Colombia: Luego del paro, Dignidad Agropecuaria expide declaración pública | 16-September-2013

Concluido el Paro, Dignidad Agropecuaria Nacional expidió una declaración pública en la que se precisan algunos de los logros de la movilización y se advierte sobre la necesidad de continuar la denuncia y lucha para renegociar los TLC. Sin esa renegociación o, incluso, supresión de los Tratados no será posible gozar de una agricultura próspera, señalan los voceros de esta organización.

AFL-CIO to fight "trade" deals like TPP | 16-September-2013

This week’s AFL-CIO convention passed a resolution vowing to fight any trade agreement that promotes the rise in corporate power at the expense of working people.

On the national strike and wave of popular disobedience in Colombia | 11-September-2013

The Colombian anarchist Grupo Libertario Vía Libre wrote and published the following article in late August, in Spanish. Now translated to English.

Mass protest to greet EU free trade envoys | 11-September-2013

About 5,000 health, consumer, and farming activists are planning a mass demonstration in Chiang Mai next week to protest against free trade talks between Thailand and the European Union.

Farmers’ strike in Colombia highlights impact of free trade deal on local communities | 6-September-2013

Radio interview with Julia Duranti, with Witness for Peace. The group works in some of the hardest-hit regions for farmers in Colombia.