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NAFTA’s 20 years of unfulfilled promises | 31-December-2013

Twenty years after it took effect, NAFTA has failed the vast majority of Mexicans

Les peuples amérindiens mettent en garde sur la destruction de la Terre-Mère | 31-December-2013

Lors du « 5e Sommet continental », qui s’est tenu récemment dans le département du Cauca en Colombie, 4 000 représentants indigènes du continent américain ont exigé un arrêt des signatures de Traités Bilatéraux d’Investissement et d’Accords de Libre Échange qui créent des politiques d’expropriation de ressources naturelles et des règles permettant le pillage des biens et des cultures des peuples.

Open letter of civil society against investor privileges in TTIP | 27-December-2013

Over 100 civil society groups and social movements from Europe and the USA have signed on an open letter that was sent to the chief negotiators of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to voice one joint demand: to exclude any Investor-state Dispute Settlement mechanism from the TTIP

Medio millón de alemanes rechaza TLC con Estados Unidos | 19-December-2013

En solo cinco días medio millón de ciudadanos alemanes firmó una petición dirigida al comisario europeo para Comercio, Karel De Grucht, y el presidente del Parlamento Europeo, Martin Schulz, para interrumpir las negociaciones iniciadas en Washington.

Des actions citoyennes et syndicales vont bloquer Bruxelles jeudi | 18-December-2013

L’alliance D19-20, soutenue par plus de 50 organisations citoyennes et syndicales, dénonce le traité sur la stabilité, la coordination et la gouvernance (TSCG) ainsi que l’accord de partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d’investissement (TTIP).

20 years after NAFTA, many worlds are possible | 17-December-2013

Caleb Duarte and Mia Eve Rollow from EDELO (En Donde Era La UNO/Where the United Nations Used to Be) explore the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state and the site of the Zapatista revolution.

Leaked proposal for EU-US trade deal increases business power in decision-making | 16-December-2013

A leaked EU negotiation proposal for the EU-US trade agreement reveals the European Commission’s plans to fundamentally change the way regulations will be adopted in the future, says the activist group CEO

La sécurité sanitaire des aliments dans l’accord de libre échange UE-États-Unis : une réflexion plus globale | 12-December-2013

Rien dans les propositions ne servira les intérêts des consommateurs ou du public. Il ne s’agit que d’aplanir les difficultés pour l’agro-industrie.

34 diputados y 15 senadores piden al Gobierno chileno detener la negociación del TPP | 10-December-2013

A continuación, transcribimos la declaración pública (aparecida hoy en El Mercurio) hecha por 34 diputados y 15 senadores de la nación que piden detener y transparentar el TPP.

Food safety in the EU-US trade agreement: going outside the box | 10-December-2013

The transantlantic trade deal’s agenda for food safety if all about reducing hoops for agribusiness. Not only would this hurt Europeans, whose clearly higher standards would be dragged down, but it would affect many other countries’ food producers and consumers, since any deal reached between Washington and Brussels will set a new international benchmark.

Webinar: The promises and perils of proposed US-EU trade deal for food and agriculture | 9-December-2013

On the occasion the third round of negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Heinrich Boell Foundation and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) invite you to join them for a webinar on the agreement’s potential impacts on agriculture in the US and EU.

Leaks confirm fears about Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement | 5-December-2013

In mid-November, Wikileaks released the secret draft text for the Intellectual Property Rights Chapter of the TPP. Stuart Trew talks about what this leak tells us about the agreement as a whole.

Et si les firmes prenaient le pouvoir ? | 5-December-2013

Entretien avec Raoul Marc Jennar

La Vía Campesina se hace presente en Bali para protestar en contra OMC y el Régimen de Libre Comercio | 4-December-2013

La Vía Campesina movilizará una gran delegación de campesinos, representantes de diversos países, para demostrar su oposición a la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC).

Saharawi natural resource group calls on EU to not accept Morocco deal | 1-December-2013

The Saharawi Natural Resources Watch has called on all European Parliamentarians, to reject the new EU-Morocco fishing agreement, which will be voted in December in the European Parliament so as to “honor Europe and its peoples”.