Minister : Peru set to sign EU free trade accord in May

Dow Jones | 7 January 2010

Minister : Peru set to sign EU free trade accord in May

By Sophie Kevany, Dow Jones Newswires

LIMA -(Dow Jones)- Peru’s free trade agreement with the European Union should be signed in May, Foreign Affairs Minister Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde said Thursday.

"The negotiations to finalize a commercial accord with the European bloc are significantly advanced and we remain optimistic we could sign next May, during the summit between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union in Madrid," Belaunde said in a broadcast interview.

The sixth EU-Latin America, Caribbean Summit, also known as the EU-LAC Summit, is to be held May 18 in Madrid.

The summit will be preceded by a meeting of foreign ministers on May 17.

source : Dow Jones

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