#StopFastTrack of TPP: National Week of Action

Expose the TPP - USA | October 20, 2014

#StopFastTrack of TPP: National Week of Action

Stop the Sneak Attack on Democracy: Nov. 8 - 14

Link to this Note: http://tinyurl.com/StopFastTrackWeekofAction

“The #StopFastTrack week of action comes as President Obama and other heads of state head to Asia this November in [an] attempt to push forward the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). It also comes as the Lame Duck session of Congress gets underway, with various Congressional leaders already calling for Fast Track legislation to be considered then.

“It is a time of year when a lot of people take a break after the elections, and start getting ready for the holidays, such that political accountability is very low. We need your help remaining vigilant so that Fast Track does not sneak through then or in early 2015.”


1) Sign up for the social media action team to receive sample Tweets, Facebook memes and whatever people use on Ello: http://bit.ly/1yQFkyj

2) Send E-mail Blasts: http://bit.ly/1o1Gl2c

3) Endorse the week of action website StopFastTrack.com: http://bit.ly/1rjrBGf

4) Register your Fast Track Event: http://bit.ly/1o1GKSf
Help organize and promote anti-Fast Track public events, such as rallies, protests, teach-ins.


1) Contact Congress early & often expressing your opposition to Fast Track.

2) Sign up for social media action team to receive sample Tweets, Facebook memes and Ello stuff: http://bit.ly/1yQFkyj

3) Write a Letter to the Editor calling on Congress to oppose Fast Track for the TPP: http://bit.ly/1vPtIXM
“How to” Write a Letter to the Editor: http://tinyurl.com/FastTrackLetr2Editors

4) Help organize or attend an anti-Fast Track event in your community: http://bit.ly/1o1GKSf

FOR MORE INFO, PLEASE WRITE: weekofaction@citizenstrade.org

Visit: www.StopFastTrack.com

More info on Fast Track & the TPP at Expose the TPP - USA
and www.ExposeTheTPP.org

source : Expose the TPP - USA

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