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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (EU-US FTA), sometimes also called Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA)

Cooperating to deregulate
In the EU institutions, a strategy to roll back “burdensome regulation” for businesses, has been unfolding for the better part of 15 years, and recently, this “Better Regulation Agenda” has been stepped up. This context combined with Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP could open up a new phase of hyper-deregulation.
‘Lipstick on a pig’: EC’s proposed corporate court system slammed by campaigners
Visant à rendre l’ISDS acceptable, les modifications de forme proposées menacent d’étendre considérablement le champ de cette justice aux services des multinationales
Local councils tearing strips off TTIP
Politicians in both Brussels and Westminster have taken great pains to try and brush off people’s many concerns about the toxic trade deal being pushed through by the EU and the United States.
Resisting the ‘law of greed’
There has been an explosive increase of cases of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). Modern investor-state disputes often revolve around public policy measures and implicate sensitive issues such as health and environmental protection
German Bundestag not happy about being kept out of ttip reading room in Berlin
The parliamentary representatives expressed concerns about limitations with regard to the current mechanisms to allow for access for members of national parliaments.
EU-US trade deal mustn’t stifle calls for Israel boycott, say unions
More than 150 organizations from across Europe are vowing to resist efforts by the United States to stifle campaigns for Palestinian rights by means of a controversial trade deal.
Commission won’t ask EU judges to decide on legality of ISDS
The European Commission will not ask EU judges to decide on the legality of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in free trade agreements.
Rap tune describes the threat of the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Free trade treaties and the health system
While mass media are almost entirely absorbed with cases of corruption, trade and investment agreements slip by, almost unnoticed. TTIP, CETA and TiSA are being negotiated throughout the world, in complete opacity and in the absence of democratic checks.
Warning: TTIP could be hazardous to your health
In the case of TTIP, the Faculty of Public Health has identified numerous risks to public health and potential conflicts with the policies called for in its recent manifesto.
TTIP vs food sovereignty
TTIP threatens our food future. In addition to campaigning against it, we need to work towards an alternative framework.
TPP, TTIP, organic equivalencies — trade...
TPP, TTIP, organic equivalencies — trade agreements have been all over the headlines for the past few months. But what is the impact for food and beverage companies in the U.S.?
The promised ‘transparency’ around TTIP has been a sham
The EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström promised another offensive on TTIP transparency. Unfortunately, most politicians in the European parliament are as much in the dark as ordinary citizens.
Is Europe the new frontier for US energy exports?
New techniques of oil and natural gas extraction in the United States have untapped large volumes of oil and natural gas. If the new free trade agreement with the European Union is ratified, most U.S. LNG producers will be able to export to Europe.
Local councils are starting to tear strips off TTIP
In the UK and across Europe, TTIP Free Zones are popping up like people power mushrooms.
Tafta, Pac, crise de l’élevage : « Les revendications de la Fnsea ne sont pas tenables »
Laurent Pinatel, le porte-parole de la Confédération paysanne, défend ses revendications pour sortir les éleveurs de la crise, évidemment différentes de celles du syndicalisme majoritaire
Susan George : « Il est encore possible d’empêcher le Tafta »
L’essayiste altermondialiste et présidente d’honneur d’Attac intervenait mercredi dans un forum sur le thème « Combattre le libre-échange ».
The regulatory cooperation chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: institutional structures and democratic consequences
This article focuses on the structure, scope, discipline, institutional design, enforcement and implementation of the envisaged horizontal chapter, often defined regulatory cooperation chapter.
Vote pro-TAFTA au Parlement européen en juillet : bons points et cartons rouges
Malgré une campagne citoyenne intensive à travers l’Europe, ainsi que le refus de soutenir les négociations par plus des deux tiers des eurodéputés français, le vote de résolution du 8 juillet a été adopté par une large majorité au Parlement européen.
Why EU’s and US’ new trade deal threatens progressive business
In the EU, representatives from parts of the chemical and pesticide industry have used TTIP to fiercely lobby against stronger protections from hormone (endocrine) disrupting chemicals (EDCs)