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Ankara, Kiev sign deal to boost cooperation

Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey

Ankara, Kiev sign deal to boost cooperation

7 May 2012

KIEV - Anatolia News Agency/Turkey and Ukraine signed a protocol on May 4 to deepen economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. The protocol was signed by Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan and his Ukrainian counterpart Sergei Tigipko after the eighth term meeting of the Turkey-Ukraine Trade and Economic Cooperation Committee, in the Ukrainian capital Kiev.

“I believe this protocol will bring our ties in trade and the economy to a much higher level,” Babacan said during the signing ceremony, adding that Turkey attached great importance to regional cooperation.

Babacan said relations with Ukraine would become stronger once the two countries signed the free trade agreement, which would complement the already sealed deal for visa-free travel between the two countries.

He noted that economic relations between Turkey and Ukraine were especially strong in the construction sector, adding that Turkish contractors were carrying out 128 projects totaling $2.8 billion.
Minister Babacan also said visa-free travel between the two countries would start as of the end of July. “Next is a free trade deal,” he said.

For his part, Tigipko said Turkey was a very important partner for Ukraine, adding that Ukraine attached great importance to bilateral cooperation. Babacan also met separately with the Ukrainian Prime Minister Mikola Azarov during the visit, as well as the foreign and finance ministers.
