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Climate protest against the EU-Mercosur trade deal

Euractiv | 31 August 2020

Climate protest against the EU-Mercosur trade deal

By Evi Kiorri

A protest against the planned EU-Mercosur trade agreement was held on Friday (28 August), with the participating groups citing the incompatibilities of the EU’s climate ambitions with actions taken by the Brazilian government.

Fridays for Future (FFF), Rise for Climate, Terra Brasil and other climate movements protested in Brussels against the destruction of the Amazon Forest and championed the rights of its indigenous people.

Demonstrations will also be held in more than 20 countries including Austria, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The European Council is expected to vote on the acceptance or rejection of the trade deal in October. If it secures unanimous approval from the 27 member states then the agreement will be voted on by the European Parliament and then require ratification by national legislatures.

 Fuente: Euractiv