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I Foro Social rechazó los acuerdos de libre comercio | 1-August-2004

Concluyó el encuentro hemisférico, pero sin compromisos concretos de los participantes.

Desde las organizaciones sociales que analizaron ayer el orden económico predominante en los países americanos salió un no rotundo a cualquier acuerdo de libre comercio bilateral (entre países) como regional (Unión Europea y Comunidad Andina) y una negativa al pago de la deuda externa. Pero faltaron las propuestas alternativas.

URGENT: Stay GE-Free: Reject the US-Australia FTA | 30-July-2004

If Howard and Bush’s so-called ’free trade’ deal is confirmed by the Australian parliament and senate (WHICH CAN ONLY HAPPEN IF THE ALP VOTES WITH THE GOVERNMENT), genetically engineered crops and foods will be forced down our throats and onto our farms, and our hopes for GE-free Australia will end!!

Letter to Bush from FTA Watch (Thailand) | 29-June-2004

We, the undersigned, farmers, people living with HIV/AIDS, academics, environmentalists, consumers, labor unionists, pro-democracy and anti-corruption activists and members of many non-governmental organizations that represent those who will be affected by the policies that are likely to come into force as a result of the proposed Free Trade Agreement between your government and the Royal Thai Government.

Via Campesina totally rejects bilateral FTAs | 23-June-2004

We, members of Via Campesina, a world-wide organization of rural women, peasants, small farmers, rural workers, indigenous people and afro-descendants, from Asia, Europe, America and Africa, met in Itaici, Brazil, from 14-19 June 2004, for our 4th International Conference. We were welcomed warmly, fraternally and in a combative spirit by our hosts, the member organizations of Via Campesina in Brazil.

Berne Declaration media statement on bilateral trade agreements | 23-June-2004

It is not widely known that Switzerland will sign two more bilateral free trade agreements (with Lebanon and Tunisia) on the occasion of the meeting of ministers of EFTA states (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland) taking place in Montreux (Switzerland) on June 24.

Stop the Central American Free Trade Agreement! | 28-May-2004

Our Congressional representatives and Senators will be in their home districts from May 24 to 31. As U.S. citizens we need to hold our elected officials responsible and call on them to vote against the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).

Un sit-in de protestation devant le parlement marocain pour ’la défense du pluralisme culturel’ | 13-March-2004

Emarrakech - La coalition marocaine pour le droit aux soins et à l’accès aux médicaments et la coalition des artistes marocains ont lancé un Appel pour un sit-in de protestation devant le parlement marocain pour ’la défense du pluralisme culturel’.

Police break up Morocco protest against trade deal. | 13-March-2004

Moroccan police armed with truncheons on Wednesday broke up a sit-in by protesters opposed to a free trade deal with the United States which they say could hurt the North African country’s most vulnerable people.

Stick approach: Police break up free trade demo in Morocco | 12-March-2004

Witnesses say police used batons to break up 200 people protesting in Rabat against US-Morocco free trade deal.

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