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Mexico stands up to FTA | 31-October-2007

About 40 Mexican rural organizations agreed Wednesday to create a unitary front against the North America Free Trade Agreement. As part of the peaceful resistance plan, farmers will camp on the central square of Zocalo starting Monday to defend the rights of four million Mexican agricultural producers.

Farmers deserve a fair hearing | 30-October-2007

We should not be surprised at the Kenyan state’s almost complete lack of understanding of the concerns raised in a suit filed last week by the Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum, with the support of the Kenya Human Rights Commission, to block any trade agreement between Kenya and the EU.

Kenya: Manufacturers join trade case | 28-October-2007

The stage is set for a battle pitting small-scale farmers against manufacturers and exporters of fresh produce. On Friday, the Kenya Association of Manufacturers and Kenya Fresh Produce Exporters Association applied and were included in the case as interested parties to support the Government against the farmers and the Kenya Human Rights Commission.

Costa Ricans to strike against FTA | 27-October-2007

Trade unions from the Costa Rican Electricity Institute announced a strike against the complementary agenda of CAFTA, so that the company continues to govern in the fields of electricity and telecommunications.

Les agriculteurs kenyans saisissent la justice au sujet des APE | 27-October-2007

Dans un mouvement sans précédent, les agriculteurs kenyans ont saisi la justice pour s’opposer à la signature d’un Accord de partenariat économique (APE) avec l’Union européenne (UE), indiquant que les Etats africains qui le négocient n’avaient pas de structure concrète comme l’UE pour signer cet accord.

Activists want FTA with Japan nullified | 27-October-2007

Activists opposing the Thai-Japanese free trade area (FTA) agreement yesterday filed a complaint with the Constitution Court, asking it to nullify the deal which they say is unconstitutional.

Colombia’s workers, peasants need int’l solidarity | 26-October-2007

Even the New York Times, which has reported very little about the horrendous violence against Colombia’s workers and campesinos, in an Oct. 8 editorial recommended that the pending Free Trade Agreement with Colombia be delayed because “President Álvaro Uribe and his government have not done enough to bring to justice the paramilitary thugs-and their political backers-responsible for widespread human rights violations.”

EU negotiations launch, so does opposition | 25-October-2007

As negotiations between the European Union and Central America over an association agreement kicked off this week, so did something else: opposition.

Legal obstacles emerge over free trade deal with Europe | 25-October-2007

A landmark case has entered the Kenyan corridors of justice as a group of farmers and a human rights watchdog move to challenge the State over ongoing negotiations for a new trade agreement with Europe.

Nurses pray for Senate rejection of RP-Japan pact | 25-October-2007

Some 2,000 Filipino nurses holding a convention in Cagayan de Oro lit candles and prayed on Wednesday for the Philippine Senate to reject the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement.

EU tries to establish Mediterranean free trade zone, meets fierce opposition | 25-October-2007

Friends of the Earth MedNet has lodged a fierce protest against European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson for his part in attempting to establish a free trade zone encompassing the countries around the Mediterranean, including non-EU member countries.

Central America’s poor and the environment will be hit by free trade with the EU | 23-October-2007

Non-governmental organisations have criticised the EU for its aggressive position in the bi-regional trade and political negotiations with Central America on the day the first official round of negotiations between the European Union and Central American countries begins in San José

Haiti : Premier bilan de la mobilisation anti-Ape | 22-October-2007

Déclaration de la coalition « Bare Ape » face a la participation d’Haiti aux négociations des accords de partenariat Acp-Ue

Activists urge govt to stop unfair trade deal with EU | 19-October-2007

Activists held protests Friday and urged the South Korean government to stop "unfair" trade deals with the European Union, as the fourth round of talks on a free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and the EU was due to end in Seoul.

Les ONG africaines manifestent contre la signature d’un contrat d’échanges préférentiels | 19-October-2007

Le gouvernement gabonais doit se prononcer sur la signature ou non de l’APE devant le parlement avant la réunion de Bruxelles à la fin du mois, où la société civile africaine fera entendre sa voix

Carta de respuesta al presidente Arias del Frente Amplio | 18-October-2007

Cuando un movimiento político y social es derrotado en una contienda cívica que reúne los mínimos requisitos democráticos de equidad, justicia, transparencia, respeto de las reglas del juego, es entonces posible iniciar de inmediato el diálogo franco y abierto, y esperar compromisos que ayuden a superar las fracturas en la sociedad

Free trade under fire in Canada | 18-October-2007

Plans to deepen Canada’s embrace of trade liberalization and deregulation are running into new pockets of resistance. Following a flurry of news coverage and public debate around the Security and Prosperity Partnership, another wave of protest has risen over a new trade deal between British Columbia and Alberta: TILMA.

Bayan and No Deal Movement hold picket against JPEPA at Japanese embassy | 17-October-2007

The Bagong Alyansang Makabayan and the No Deal! Movement Against Unequal Economic Agreements led a protest against the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) in front of the Japanese Embassy in Manila

One man protests against FTA agreement | 17-October-2007

A farmer carries a model pig during his one-man protest in front of the hotel where South Korean-EU free trade talks are being held in Seoul

WIDE consultation: ’Bilateral and regional trade agreements and gender’ | 16-October-2007

WIDE organises a one-day consultation on EU bilateral and regional free trade agreements and gender. This day aims at providing space for critical reflection and debate on opportunities, challenges, strategies and diverse policy options related to gender and EU trade liberalisation.