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Des syndicats africains appellent à l’abandon des accords de libre-échange proposés par l’UE | 9-May-2008

La fédération de syndicats la plus importante d’Afrique a appelé les pays africains à rejeter les Accords (libéraux) de partenariat économiques (APE), que l’UE cherche à leur faire signer. L’union syndicale a déclaré que ces accords ne servaient pas les intérêts africains.

Activists Slam Trade Ministry Over EPAs | 6-May-2008

Civil society organisations and the parliamentarians last week clashed with the trade ministry officials over the signing of an interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) with the European Union.

S. Koreans protest over US beef safety | 2-May-2008

Some 10,000 South Koreans gathered in Seoul late Friday to peacefully protest the government’s decision to resume US beef imports, despite outcry over the safety of the product once banned over concersn of mad cow disease.

S Korean workers rally against free trade pact | 1-May-2008

Thousands of South Korean workers rallied Thursday against a planned free trade pact with the United States and the pro-market policies of new President Lee Myung-Bak.

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