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European Parliamentarian says Pacific EPAs must be changed | 29-November-2008

A member of the European Parliament has told the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) - European Union (EU) joint parliamentary assembly meeting this week in Port Moresby that free trade deals initialled between the EU and Pacific countries must be changed to reflect the development needs of the region.

Alianza Social Continental: ante la Crisis Financiera exigimos cambiar el modelo | 26-November-2008

Es el momento de revisar todos los TLC’s y Tratados de protección reciproca de inversiones. No es posible que se reconozca que el mercado no se autorregula y los gobiernos sigan aceptado la camisa de fuerza que significan estos tratados para intervenir y regular la economía en función de un proyecto nacional de desarrollo para vivir bien

Indian groups call for a halt on secret EU-India FTA negotiations | 26-November-2008

Indian organizations representing NGOs, farmers groups, trade unions, health groups and peoples’ movements are calling for an immediate halt to negotiations between India and the European Union on a far reaching Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that will have an adverse impact on livelihoods, food security and access to healthcare.

Otra mundialización | 25-November-2008

No hay Cumbre que no se ocupe de la crisis economica mundial. APEC no fue distinta. Ciertamente, Bush, García y sus compinches buscaron maquillar el fracaso del neoliberalismo y su tesis de “todo el poder al mercado libre y desregulado” bajo el poder de las transnacionales

Los Kichwas del Ecuador se mantendran vigilantes frente a las negaciaciones CAN-UE | 25-November-2008

Las organizaciones indígenas y campesinas que conformamos la Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas CAOI: Bolivia (CSUTCB, Bartolina Sisa, CONAMAQ, CONALCAM); Perú (CONACAMI, CCP, CNA); Ecuador (ECURUNARI); Colombia (ONIC), nos mantendremos vigilantes de este proceso en defensa de la integración andina, la dignidad y la vida

Farmers against FTA | 25-November-2008

More than 11,000 South Korean farmers rallied on Tuesday against a pending free-trade deal with the United States, saying the accord threatens their livelihoods.

Canadian Churches signal alarm over free trade deal with Colombia | 25-November-2008

KAIROS calls on the government of Canada to conduct a Human Rights Impact Assessment before proceeding any further.

Free trade with Colombia a cruel move | 25-November-2008

Harper says that workers’ protection has been written into the trade deal. But whether these stipulations will be enforced is another story.

Acuerdos UE-ALC: DECLARACION "Demandamos que la Unión Europea y los Gobiernos de Perú y Colombia no desintegren la CAN" | 24-November-2008

Los movimientos sociales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil de Europa, América Latina y el mundo, expresamos nuestra profunda preocupación ante la decisión de la Comisión Europea -en representación de la Unión Europea y sus 27 Estados miembros, así como Colombia y Perú de negociar Acuerdos comerciales bilaterales entre ellos, provocando así una ruptura de facto de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones

Declaración Grito de los Excluidos/as Andino | 24-November-2008

Veinte representantes del “Grito de los Excluidos/as” de Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil, reunidos en Lima, Perú, en el marco de las actividades que realizan las organizaciones y movimientos sociales populares frente al Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia Pacífico - APEC, declaran a la opinión pública lo siguiente

CH-UE/Accord de libre-échange agricole: l’USP rappelle son opposition | 24-November-2008

Le projet d’accord de libre-échange agricole avec l’UE était le fil rouge de l’Assemblée des délégués de l’Union suisse des paysans (USP) jeudi à Berne. Les paysans ont exprimé leur crainte, mais affichent leur confiance dans l’avenir.

Non au Traité de Libre Échange avec l’Union européenne ! | 24-November-2008

L’UE encourage la désintégration de la Communauté Andine, dit la CAOI

AU brushes aside colonialism under its nose | 24-November-2008

The European Union is veering toward condoning colonialism. Worse, the African Union hardly notices. Meanwhile, the United Nations limps in pursuit of Morocco-occupied Western Sahara’s de-colonisation.

Philippine fishers warn against sectoral talks in WTO | 24-November-2008

A national coalition of 14 fisher federations in the Philippines warned against mandatory "sectoral" talks in the World Trade Organization, saying that it would only benefit rich countries that wanted more market access for their products. On Friday, which was World Fishers Day, about 200 members of Kilusang Mangingisda also picketed the offices of the Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Agriculture and Asian Development Bank to protest against policies promoting fisheries trade liberalization.

Andean indigenous reject FTA with Europe | 24-November-2008

The Andean Coordination of Indigenous Organizations (CAOI) ratified rejection of a free trade agreement that governments of Colombia and Peru want to sign with the European Union. This reiteration is contained in a letter CAOI representative Miguel Palacin addressed to Peruvian Foreign Minister Jose Garcia Belaunde, referring to the latter’s threats to expel Bolivian social leaders allegedly in Peru to take part in protests against the agreement.

Sign on: "We demand the European Union and the Governments of Peru and Colombia not to desintegrate the Andean Community of Nations (CAN)" | 23-November-2008

Sign-on declaration demanding the European Union and the Governments of Peru and Colombia not to desintegrate the Andean Community of Nations.

Swedish MPs demands stopping EU agreement with Morocco | 23-November-2008

Several Swedish parliamentarians from one of the parties in the Swedish government, have motioned that the Swedish Government should work to prevent the EU from signing any new agreements or agreements of advanced status with Morocco "as long as the country occupies Western Sahara".

Protest against Bush and Alan García | 22-November-2008

A demonstration in the Peruvian capital by left-wing political movements against US President Bush’s visit to the country turned into a protest Friday by hundreds of laid-off workers and trade unions in conflict with local and foreign companies.

Indigenous resolution on the CAN-EU FTA | 22-November-2008

The Andean Community is in crisis as a result of the attitude of the European Union and the governments of Colombia and Peru, who in a meeting of foreign ministers held in Europe proposed to negotiate the FTA bilaterally, breaking with the Guayaquil Agreement, which ratified block by block negotiation. This attitude undermines Andean integration.

Organizaciones Juveniles y Populares en el Perú alzan su Voz frente al APEC | 22-November-2008

Las organizaciones reafirman su rechazo a este foro y a la presencia en Perú de aquellos "visitantes". Asimismo, expresan su apuesta por alternativas económicas y sociales justas que promuevan la igualdad y el desarrollo de las mayorías.