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Peru: Indigenous protests force government negotiation | 31-May-2009

Since April 9, indigenous communities have shut down oil fields and gas pipelines, and blocked roads, rivers, airports and other installations. These actions are in protest at government decrees that open access to indigenous people’s lands to facilitate oil, mining, logging and agricultural companies. Garcia decreed the laws under special powers awarded to him by Congress to bring Peruvian law into line with a free trade agreement (FTA) signed with the United States in December 2007.

Indígenas paralizan la selva peruana | 29-May-2009

Los indígenas amazónicos continuarán con las medidas de presión iniciadas hace 50 días hasta que el Gobierno derogue los decretos que, dicen, atentan contra sus tierras”, aseguró la Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (Aidesep), que reúne a más de mil comunidades nativas.

Canada-Colombia FTA removed from legislative agenda: Canada steps towards dignity | 29-May-2009

Public pressure has forced a victory in the fight to stop the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA). Sources from Canada’s three opposition parties have confirmed that the ruling Conservative
Party has removed Bill C-23, implementing legislation for the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, from the government’s current legislative agenda.

Perú: Contundente respaldo ciudadano nacional a demandas amazónicas | 28-May-2009

Una masiva movilización ciudadana de varios miles de personas colmó ayer las calles del centro de la ciudad teniendo como principal motivo respaldar las demandas de los indígenas amazónicos.

Unions to flex muscle with Australia’s Labor govt | 28-May-2009

Unions will urge Rudd’s Labor government at a national conference next week to end future free trade deals and give local firms a price advantage when bidding for government contracts, Australia’s top union boss Sharan Burrow said.

Colombia: Siguen presión contra los acuerdos de libre comercio con Unión Europea | 27-May-2009

"Negociaciones de TLC con Unión Europea son una farsa". Esto se concluye de los diversos pronunciamientos realizados por las principales organizaciones sociales del país.

Free trade agreement with Colombia under pressure | 26-May-2009

Citing “serious and systematic” human rights violations in Colombia, 33 non-governmental organizations led by Alliance Sud, the Berne Declaration and the Swiss Working Group on Colombia sent a letter 12 May to deputies urging them not to ratify the trade agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), of which Switzerland is a member, and Colombia.

Kiwis say no to free trade agreement with US | 26-May-2009

Two hoary old myths are peddled as a means to get NZ out of its particular corner of the global economic crisis — that the economy needs to be opened up even more to foreign investors, by means of liberalising, yet again, the Overseas Investment Act; and that a Free Trade Agreement with the US is the Holy Grail of the numerous trade deals that the Government is currently pursuing. The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) says “no” to both and we are not alone.

Les ONG contestent les accords de libre-échange | 25-May-2009

Suisse: Le Conseil national aborde ce lundi 25 mai l’accord de libre échange avec la Colombie. Des organisations non-gouvernementales critiquent les bienfaits supposés de ces initiatives.

Perú: Indígenas se tumban TLC con EEUU | 23-May-2009

Paro amazónico continúa a la espera de que Parlamento derogue cuestionado DL 1090. - Norma es parte de paquete de decretos destinados a implementar TLC con EE.UU.

Protests target Peru’s UN Mission in New York: Indigenous rights over US free trade agreement | 22-May-2009

Indigenous leaders from around the world are joined by supporters in a demonstration today outside the Peru’s Mission to the United Nations, urging the Alan Garcia Government to respect indigenous peoples’ rights and repeal a series of new laws passed under the pretext of implementing the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States.

Movimientos sociales y redes: No al AdA y por otra forma de integración | 22-May-2009

Los movimientos, redes y organizaciones sociales centroamericanas organizaron una Jornada Popular de Rechazo al Acuerdo de Asociación entre la UE y Centroamérica, como parte del proceso de resistencia implementado desde hace varios años ante la firma de TLCs en la región.

Si a la integración regional de los pueblos - NO al AdA | 21-May-2009

Porque el AdA no es más que otro TLC y firmarlo representaría la agudización de la pobreza, la profundización de la crisis global, la privatización de los servicios públicos, la reducción de capacidad de los estados de promover y desarrollar políticas públicas

Centroamérica: Movimientos sociales rechazan reinicio de negociaciones del AdA | 21-May-2009

Movimientos sociales de América Latina y Europa rechazan el reinicio de las negociaciones del Acuerdo de Asociación Unión Europea-Centroamérica.

Perú: Declaran inconstitucional una norma objetada por los nativos | 20-May-2009

La Comisión de Constitución del Congreso declaró esta tarde inconstitucional - por siete votos a favor, seis en contra y una abstención - el Decreto Legislativo 1090, sobre la Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre, y que era una de las nueve normas que había sido objetada por dirigentes de las comunidades amazónicas en huelga hace un mes.

Afirma Ollanta Humala: La amazonía hace 45 días que no reconoce al gobierno de Alan García | 20-May-2009

Para Ollanta Humala la defensa de los recursos naturales frente a los procesos de globalización que no respetan los derechos de las comunidades indígenas, es un tema nacionalista.

Please sign letter opposing ratification of US-Panama FTA | 19-May-2009

As the global economic crisis deepens and more people lose their jobs, the Obama administration may soon push for ratification of the Bush-era US-Panama Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

Chile: Activists try to block start of Pascua Lama mine | 19-May-2009

As Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold gets ready to start construction at the Pascua Lama mine, straddling the Argentine-Chilean border, activists in Chile are scrambling to block the ambitious mining project while calling for an investigation of supposed irregularities committed in the approval process.

Sit-in is start of new democratic movement: Tsai | 19-May-2009

Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen announced that her party would launch a drive to collect one million signatures for a national citizen referendum on the Kuomintang government’s plan to sign an economic cooperation agreement with China and declared that the end of a 24-hour sit-in in front of the presidential office marked "the beginning of a second democratic reform movement."

Amazon protests against free trade | 18-May-2009

Free trade protests are growing in Peru. A group of indigenous activists began demonstrating in April against the FTA with the United States, claiming the agreement robs them of their land and resource rights - instead selling rights to oil, mining, logging and agricultural companies.

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