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Saying no to the Colombia free trade agreement | 30-July-2011

On July 11th, over 200 people converged in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. All were there to raise their voices to President Obama to say “NO” to the proposed US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CFTA).

Trent Hills warned trade deal bad for municipalities | 26-July-2011

The Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement currently being negotiated between Canada and the European Union will have a profound effect on the way municipalities conduct business, council heard last week.

Local CETA water concerns linger | 25-July-2011

The Harper government says it’s successfully concluded an eighth round of free trade negotiations with the European Union, and despite reassurances from provincial, and recently federal, government officials that water is not on the bargaining table, several Sea to Sky residents are extremely concerned.

Colombia FTA: violence, potential job losses hang over deal | 21-July-2011

How will the US-Colombia free trade agreement affect Colombians? Opinions from a sugar cane worker, shop steward and a Colombian labor expert.

Free trade jitters in region | 20-July-2011

An indigenous group from the Northeast today added steam to the dissent against the European Union-India Free Trade Agreement demanding transparency in the talks which have been held under “secrecy” for the last four years.

Group calls for more transparency in European trade negotiations | 18-July-2011

A group of concerned citizens is warning Canadians don’t know what they are in for as Canada inches closer towards a free trade deal with Europe.

Embattled Colombian unionists rally against ‘free trade’ | 15-July-2011

Gathering with fellow unionists in Washington, D.C., Jose Hugo Yanini speaks firmly about labor rights in Colombia. But a few weeks ago, the industrial janitor and shop steward feared that he soon might never utter another word.

People of faith rally against Colombian free trade agreement | 14-July-2011

Jose’s phone rang. When he picked up the receiver, no one was on the other line. He hung up. The next time he heard the ring, his wife answered, and a menacing voice said, "Tell that man to calm down his tongue or we will cut it out."

Hundreds gather outside the White House to protest the Colombia free trade agreement | 12-July-2011

Hundreds gathered outside the White House on Monday to protest the Colombia free trade agreement, which they say will kill jobs here, and threaten communities in Colombia.

Colombia FTA press conference | 5-July-2011

Press conference against the US-Colombia FTA, Washington DC, 16 June 2011

Colombia: Mujeres wayuu rechazan tratado de libre comercio con Suiza | 5-July-2011

La organización que agrupa a mujeres de la etnia indígena mayoritaria en el país, aduce que el acuerdo se presta para generar más desigualdades y victimización en el territorio colombiano, particularmente en las zonas indígenas.

ACT UP-Paris wakes up the European Commissioner for Trade in Belgium | 3-July-2011

This morning, in a small town in the region of Gent, Belgium, activists from Act Up-Paris woke up the European Commissioner for Trade in front of his house. They unfurled a banner which said ‘De Gucht, AIDS accomplice’.