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CWA: Colombia free trade agreement is a flawed plan, will not improve workers’ lives in Colombia | 4-October-2011

Communications Workers of America calls on Congress to reject the US-Colombia FTA

Retailers to hold nationwide rally against FTA | 4-October-2011

The Korea Federation of Retail Organizations plans to hold a nationwide rally at the end of this month to call for protection measures related to the free trade pacts with the European Union and the United States.

Libre-échange avec l’Union européenne, plus de questions que de réponses | 3-October-2011

Le Québec a tout intérêt à demander au Canada de retirer les marchés publics de l’AÉCG, entre autres les services publics municipaux des eaux et d’électricité.

"Trade deals hurt the middle class" | 3-October-2011

"We strongly oppose the proposed trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama. They will not help put Americans back to work, only further hasten the decline of our middle class," declares Richard Trumka, head of the AFL-CIO