Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 23-Jul-2008 The Hindu
    East Asia Summit explores free trade area prospects
    The East Asia Summit, a “leaders-driven forum” with India, as also China and Japan in its fold, “is studying the feasibility of a free trade area among its 16 countries.”
  • 23-Jul-2008 Scoop
    New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill
    How is it that in a land with such a shameful history of exclusion and institutional racism against the Chinese, the NZ Government is suddenly bending over backwards to become party to a free trade agreement with China?, the Maori Party asks
  • 23-Jul-2008 FT
    Guyana accuses Europe of trade bullying
    The Caribbean could suffer economically if a proposed free trade agreement between several regional countries and the European Union is signed because of damaging flaws in the deal, according to Bharrat Jagdeo, Guyana’s president. “Europe negotiated in bad faith. We were bullied into this.”
  • 22-Jul-2008 PCIJ
    SC ruling on JPEPA: Shackled by ‘entropy of the old tradition of secrecy’
    “WE must overcome the entropy of the old tradition of secrecy,” counseled Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno in his lengthy argument on the petition to have the government disclose details of the negotiations between the Philippines and Japan in relation to the Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA). Obviously, it was an advice that went largely unheeded as majority of his colleagues upheld for a second time the Arroyo government’s invocation of executive privilege.
  • 22-Jul-2008
    Costa Rica targets trends for greater food exports
    Costa Rican food companies are focusing on major trends like organics and social values to build their export platform, as an association agreement between the EU and Central America is expected to be reached in 2009.
  • 22-Jul-2008 Borneo Post
    US adopts pragmatic approach in FTA talks: MIER
    “I don’t think they are going to adopt a very hardline approach with respect to us. I think they look at Malaysia as a modern Muslim country and want to have successful trade negotiations,” the director of the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research told Bernama. The problem is that the US is not confining the negotiations to purely trade matters.
  • 21-Jul-2008 AFP
    SKorea health workers threaten strike over US beef, wages
    South Korean hospital workers on Monday threatened to strike this week to press demands including a ban on the use of US beef for patients’ meals.
  • 21-Jul-2008 SC JPEPA decision turns Filipino people into beggars of information on critical national issues
    SC JPEPA decision turns Filipino people into beggars of information on critical national issues
    The Fair Trade Alliance (FairTrade), whose affiliates are among the petitioners on the lack of government transparency in trade negotiations, denounces the cowardly decision of the Supreme Court on the Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA). Said decision upholds the secrecy of executive treaty-making exercise even if such treaty puts Philippine jobs and industries at risk.
  • 21-Jul-2008 Jang
    Pak-US trade and investment framework agreement has yet to get off the ground
    Back in June 2003, then Finance Minister Shaukat Aziz, who had signed the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement on Pakistan’s behalf, said that Pakistan hoped the TIFA would eventually lead to a Free Trade Agreement between the two countries. But neither at that time nor in all the years since then has there been any promise from the US side to follow-up on a Free Trade Agreement.
  • 21-Jul-2008 Bernama
    Progress made at eighth round of Malaysia-US FTA talks
    Malaysia and the United States have achieved progress at the eighth round of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations with both sides showing willingness to resolve outstanding issues.
  • 20-Jul-2008 Tehran Times
    NAFTA and the elephant in the room
    The biggest challenge now to our networks is not to centralize the struggle and the critique but to understand our differences. We have a pretty good understanding of the architecture built by NAFTA and added onto in the SPP. We need to continue to work together to analyze its foundations and mainstays.
  • 20-Jul-2008 Jamaica Gleaner
    Chronology - CARIFORUM/EPA agreement
    In the light of the ongoing debate on the economic partnership agreement (EPA), the Jamaican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade has released a chronology of the CARIFORUM EC/EPA negotiations
  • 20-Jul-2008 Daily Yomiuri
    ’ROK postpones FTA talks over Takeshima reference’
    Talks between Japan and South Korea on resuming negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement have been postponed indefinitely after Seoul said it was unhappy over a reference to the Takeshima islets in school handbooks
  • 20-Jul-2008 Sunday Times
    Local businesses unhappy with CEPA
    A group of eminent Sri Lankan businesses went public this week objecting to the signing of the Indo-Lanka Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). The local businesses are questioning the need for a CEPA agreement and are objecting to the lack of transparency in the process.
  • 20-Jul-2008 APP
    Pakistan, Morocco to accelerate work on PTA, FTA
    Pakistan and Morocco have agreed to accelerate work on Preferential Trade Agreement and Free Trade Agreement at the conclusion of the First Session of the Joint Ministerial Commission between the two countries held in Rabat on July 17-18, 2008.
  • 20-Jul-2008 SABC News
    SADC not ready for customs union: Tralac
    Business chambers from southern Africa believe that talk of a single Southern African Development Community (SADC) Customs Union - that would replace the Southern African Customs Unions (SACU) and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) - is premature until a SADC Free Trade Area (FTA) is fully in place.
  • 19-Jul-2008 AFL-CIO Now blog
    Tomatoes or children?
    It is gratifying that our government will go to such lengths to stamp out a dangerous bacterium. It is less encouraging to know that the inspectors were not looking at massive labor rights violations, especially the systematic employment of young children in hazardous conditions, which have existed in the tomato industry for decades.
  • 19-Jul-2008
    EU-Ghana interim EPA (2008)
  • 18-Jul-2008 AFP
    ASEAN to push for free trade deals: document
    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is expected to endorse a continued push for free trade agreements with Australia & New Zealand, the EU and India during talks this weekend, a draft document said Friday.
  • 18-Jul-2008
    US-EAC TIFA (2008)