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  • 9-Jun-2008 Vancouver Sun
    Free trade with Japan would be major boost for Canadian sales: ambassador
    "What we would really like is a [free trade agreement] and the government of Canada has called for one," Canadian Ambassador to Japan Joseph Caron told a Vancouver Board of Trade meeting, noting the Japanese have not yet given an official positive response to possible free trade discussions.
  • 9-Jun-2008 Caribbean Net News
    Trinidad and Tobago to sign EPA
    Trinidad and Tobago is expected by the end of July 2008 to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between CARIFORUM and the European Union along with its regional counterparts.
  • 8-Jun-2008 Yonhap
    Seoul to enforce private sector ban on US beef from older cattle
    The South Korean government says it will return or destroy all US beef from cattle older than 30 months in the process of its import quarantine if private sectors in both South Korea and the US voluntarily reach an agreement to impose an age limit in their beef trade. This would run directly counter to the US-Korea beef import deal signed in mid-April.
  • 7-Jun-2008 Korea Times
    US targets full opening of Asian beef market
    The Bush administration, whose major political funding sources allegedly involve ranchers, is likely to urge China and Japan to "fully" open their beef markets, citing the negotiation results with South Korea.
  • 6-Jun-2008
    Situation about Korean people’s struggle on beef deal
    Korean public opinion wants a complete scrap of the April 18 beef deal with the US. The scale, intensity, and variety of participants in the street protests continue to grow. The mood is like a “Second June Struggle,” the June Struggle of 1987 having been a significant event in Korea’s democracy movement. However some say that the May struggle for nullification of Beef deal has a lot of significant signs that differ from 1987 democracy struggle. These actions are creating New democracy.
  • 6-Jun-2008 TVNZ
    Possible free trade deal for Asia-Pacific?
    Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says his proposed new regional organisation could produce an Asia-Pacific free trade agreement which would mean big benefits for Australia.
  • 6-Jun-2008 Scoop
    NZ-China FTA - Full of human rights promises but no substance
    Amnesty International has made a second submission on the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Bill highlighting ongoing concerns about the lack of practical applications to ensure labour standards are addressed and improved in China. And this within an agreement that significantly weakens New Zealand’s labour rights obligations.
  • 6-Jun-2008
    Government procurement provisions in the CARIFORUM EPA and lessons for other ACP states
    This paper on government procurement and EPAS written by Stephen Woolcock from LSE recommends that ACP countries first open their procurment markets on a regional basis, before making commitments to the EU.
  • 5-Jun-2008 Armenia Liberty
    EU mulls free trade deal with Armenia
    The European Union is considering signing a free trade agreement with Armenia as part of its efforts to strengthen ties with the South Caucasus state
  • 5-Jun-2008
    Government procurement provisions in the CARIFORUM EPA and lessons for other ACP states
    This paper on government procurement and EPAs written by Stephen Woolcock from LSE recommends that ACP countries first open their procurement markets on a regional basis, before making commitments to the EU.
  • 5-Jun-2008 3D
    UN Committee recommends that India assess likely impacts of EFTA and EU trade talks
    A leading UN Committee has recommended that India review all aspects of its trade negotiations - particularly those with EU and EFTA - to ensure that they do not result in a situation which undermines the rights of people within the country, particularly the most disadvantaged and vulnerable. Meeting last month in Geneva, the Committee also noted its concern about the impact of genetically-modified seeds in India on farmers’ livelihoods.
  • 5-Jun-2008 Korea Times
    Man sets himself on fire after candlelight vigil
    A South Korean man set himself on fire early Thursday morning following a candlelight rally in central Seoul against the resumption of US beef imports. Kim, a day laborer, is in critical condition with severe burns to his body.
  • 5-Jun-2008 Yonhap
    Thousands begin protest over US beef amid fears of violent clash
    Rally organizers claimed as many as 1 million people could turn out nationwide for a scheduled rally on Tuesday, when the country marks the anniversary of a 1987 democratic uprising that led the then military regime to grant free elections, prompting ensuing political reforms.
  • 5-Jun-2008 Korea Times
    Korea gives up renegotiating deal
    A senior government official indicated Thursday that the Korean government would not ask the United States to renegotiate the beef import deal. Opposition parties and the majority of the people, however, want the renegotiation.
  • 5-Jun-2008 PIB
    India-Burma BIT approved
    The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement with the Government of the Union of Myanmar and ratification thereof.
  • 5-Jun-2008 FPIF
    The failed expectations of US trade policy
    As the principal negotiator for the landmark market access agreement that led to China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), I have reflected on whether the agreements we negotiated really lived up to our expectations. A sober reflection has led me to conclude that those trade agreements did not.
  • 5-Jun-2008 DIRECON
    Chile-China FTA (2006)
  • 5-Jun-2008 MCOT
    Thailand-Peru FTA likely to take effect late this year
    The free trade area agreement between Thailand and Peru is expected to become effective during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in November this year or early next year, according to an official of Thailand’s Trade Negotiations Department.
  • 4-Jun-2008 Reuters
    Factbox: McCain, Obama plans on US trade policy
    The US presidential election in November will be a face-off between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. Following are some of McCain’s and Obama’s main positions on trade — an issue that has become contentious during this election cycle.
  • 4-Jun-2008 Xinhua
    Bolivian president urges Peruvian counterpart to respect Andean Community rules
    Bolivian President Evo Morales on Tuesday urged his Peruvian counterpart Alan Garcia to respect the pledges made under the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) before signing any unilateral free trade agreements