Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 1-Sep-2004
    FTA with China puts jobs at risk - CTU
    A free trade agreement (FTA) with China puts thousands of manufacturing jobs and the future of the sector at risk, Council of Trade Unions (CTU) president Ross Wilson said yesterday.
  • 1-Sep-2004 Global Peace And Justice Auckland
    Protest against NZ/China FTA: GPJA Press Release
    Global Peace and Justice Auckland are holding a protest outside a business promotion for a New Zealand/China Free Trade Agreement.
  • 1-Sep-2004
    Open source joins electioneering
    Within 24 hours of a federal election being called, Communications and IT minister Helen Coonan has swapped her contentious campaign to offshore government IT services for a warm and fuzzy embrace of home-grown open source software to woo the penguin vote.
  • 1-Sep-2004
    Free Trade Pacts With Central American Allies In 18 Months: Official
    Economic Affairs Vice Minister Chen Ruey-long claimed Thursday that Taiwan will be able to sign free trade agreements (FTAs) with three of its diplomatic allies in the Caribbean and Central America within 18 months. According to Chen, the Ministry of Economic Affairs will launch negotiations with Honduras, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua in the near term, as arrangements are proceeding smoothly.
  • 1-Sep-2004
    Taiwan-Panama: President Chen Offers to Help Panama Widen Canal
    President Chen Shui-bian said Tuesday he hopes to expand Taiwan’s economic footprint in the Americas through the recently signed free trade agreement (FTA) with Panama and offered to assist with the Central American country’s plan to widen the Panama Canal.
  • 1-Sep-2004 Exporters hope while unions worry
    China-NZ: Exporters hope while unions worry
    While exporters hope a free-trade agreement with China will reduce non-tariff barriers to trade, the union movement worries about jobs.
  • 1-Sep-2004 Call to review bilateral trade deals
    TWN: Call to review bilateral trade deals
    With a deal being struck at the World Trade Organisation on 31 July to revive negotiations, will the move towards bilateral trade agreements slow down?
  • 1-Sep-2004 EU-SA Trade Deal Set for a Tune-Up, Not an Overhaul
    EU-SA trade deal set for a tune-up
    It has been almost five years since SA and the European Union (EU) last sealed a bilateral trade agreement and the current deal comes up for review in November.
  • 1-Sep-2004 Australian IT
    FTA leaves us second among equals
    Access to the US market will be valuable, but Aussie consumers will lose, not gain, from the copyright provisions.
  • 30-Aug-2004
    US ITC report on CAFTA
    U.S.-Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement: Potential Economywide and Selected Sectoral Effects
  • 30-Aug-2004 RP proposes selective FTA with US
    RP proposes selective FTA with US
    The government will try a novel approach in securing a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States since the US does not believe that the Philippines is ready for a full bilateral FTA.
  • 28-Aug-2004 EU insists on WMD clause in Syria accord -Fischer
    EU insists on WMD clause in Syria accord -Fischer
    The European Union wants to sign a trade and aid pact that may ease Syria’s diplomatic isolation, but only if Damascus agrees to renounce weapons of mass destruction, Germany’s foreign minister said on Saturday.
  • 28-Aug-2004
    Bullying big pharma puts pressure on Australians
    US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick’s warning to Australia that an amended free-trade agreement might conflict with the letter and spirit of the original agreement was prompted by bullying from the American pharmaceuticals industry, according to a US trade adviser.
  • 27-Aug-2004
    Farm tariffs, IPRs seen as main obstacles to US-Andean FTA
    Tariffs on agricultural products and definitions of intellectual property rights, particularly for pharmaceuticals, are shaping up as the most contentious issues in the free trade negotiations between the United States and three Andean nations, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
  • 27-Aug-2004 EU, Israel resolve trade dispute over settlements
    EU, Israel resolve trade dispute over settlements
    Goods produced in Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip will no longer be allowed to enter the European Union tariff-free under an agreement initialed on Thursday.
  • 27-Aug-2004 Costa Rica: Protests bring country to the verge of paralysis
    Costa Rica: Protests bring country to the verge of paralysis
    Nationwide protests in Costa Rica that started out with blockades of roads and freeways by truck drivers and which expanded Wednesday to include a broad range of groups threaten to paralyse this Central American country.
  • 26-Aug-2004
    Premier Yu calls for more FTAs during NY stopover
    Premier Yu Shyi-kun encouraged local enterprises Saturday to invest in Central American countries that continue to maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan, saying this will help the government maintain the ties.
  • 26-Aug-2004
    Infected by the bilateral bug
    On the long trek to a fairer world for New Zealand exporters, 2003 was a year of one step forward, two steps back.
  • 25-Aug-2004
    A People’s Guide to PACER
    A People’s Guide to PACER by Prof Jane Kelsey. Commissioned by the Pacific Network on Globalisation - Aug 2004
  • 25-Aug-2004 A People’s Guide to PACER released
    A People’s Guide to PACER released
    The Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) has released a user-friendly report on the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) and the potential implications of a free trade agreement between Pacific island countries and Australia and New Zealand.