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Focus on: TTIP & energy and environment

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Lowest common denominator: EU-US trade deal threatens to lower standards of protection from toxic pesticides
A new analysis exposes how the American and European pesticide industry is using ongoing EU-US trade negotiations to lower human health and environmental standards in order to increase trade in toxic pesticides.
Move to renewables jeopardized by EU corporate trade deals
Proposed special rights for corporations in EU trade agreements threaten to prevent the necessary energy transition to tackle climate change according to a new report.
New environmentalists taking bold actions and it’s working
Through trade agreements, Big Energy is trying to weaken environmental protections and increase their power to subvert democracy but people are stopping these too.
New report: No fracking way How the EU-US trade deal risks expanding fracking in Europe and the US
A trade deal between the EU and the US risks opening the backdoor for the expansion of fracking in Europe and the US, reveals a new report released today.
Obama is negotiating an agreement that could unleash fracking around the world. See how.
The translantic trade agreement would undermine hard-fought regulations and open up a large part of the world to greater exploitation without regulation. Fracking would go global.
Powerful pesticide lobby attacks bee-saving regulations at Miami trade talks
U.S. and European Union trade negotiators appear to be actively considering adopting the agenda of chemical and pesticide industry lobbyists.
Saving the climate means stopping TTIP!
How the transatlantic free trade agreements cheerfully scupper energy transition….
Social movements denounce corporate take-over of Ban Ki-Moon Climate Summit
The movements point out that halting climate change calls for an end to the neoliberal free trade regime that promotes the pursuit of endless growth and endless profit for transnational corporations.
TAFTA : une nouvelle fuite révèle les ambitions climaticides de l’Union européenne
Le TAFTA privera la puissance publique des instruments de contrôle et de réglementation nécessaires à la protection de l’environnement et la lutte contre les dérèglements climatiques.
The hidden costs of trade treaties
The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.
The impact of an EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement on biofuel and feedstock markets
We assess the impact of a potential TTIP bilateral free trade agreement on the EU and US bio-economies (feedstock, biofuels, by-products, and related competing crops) and major trade partners in these markets
The tar sands mystery and the smoking TTIP gun
The EU’s motivation for a proposal to scrap greenhouse gas intensity targets in its flagship Fuel Quality Directive (FQD), which regulates emissions from transport fuels, has been shrouded in mystery since it was first mooted three months ago, but EurActiv has uncovered new information.
The trade clause that overrules governments
The Obama administration’s insistence on ISDS may please Wall Street, but it threatens to undermine some of the president’s landmark achievements in curbing pollution and fighting global warming.
Toxic trade deal: Friends of the Earth decries industry efforts to weaken regulation of chemicals associated with breast cancer, autism, infertility
Statements made at a US government hearing by the American Chemistry Council, the trade association of multinational chemical companies lobbying for the US-EU trade deal, highlight the risks to public health, report Friends of the Earth
Trumped-up: EU-US trade deal spells climate disaster
The EU now imports 112 percent more US soy than a year ago, flooding the market to feed EU factory farms. Bad news for animal welfare, bad news for the environment.
TTIP aim to lift US oil export ban goes against climate targets
EU push to lift restrictions on US crude oil and liquefied natural gas exports as part of controversial trade deal could explode Canada’s tar sands carbon bomb and push up carbon emissions
TTIP chief negotiators address regulatory concerns
When it comes to chemical regulations, there will be no harmonisation, just cooperation, the TTIP negotiators say.
TTIP debate - Brussels
Frank exchange of views between the EU Commission and civil society representatives on the introduction of special rights for companies in the TTIP, through the mechanism of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
TTIP must not allow companies to sue EU countries for environmental laws, say MPs
A major free trade deal should not allow US companies to sue European nations when they pass environmental laws that hurt their profits, MPs in the UK said on Tuesday.
TTIP poised to gut US states’ ability to protect on toxic chemicals
EU proposals for EU-US trade deal threaten democratic process for protecting people and the environment