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Public Citizen | 23-Jul-2024

APEP should be used to eliminate ISDS, say members of Congress, US and Latin American civil society

Members of Congress, grassroots activists, and civil society organizations from the US and Latin America urged the United States to use the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP) to undo the damage of decades of corporate-dominated trade policy. | 23-Jul-2024

Stop burdering people at the end of the term, Mr. President!

A total of 37 organizations and 29 people conveyed their urge to President Joko Widodo via open letter to stop negotiations between Indonesia - European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (I-EU CEPA). This demand was conveyed after Indonesia completed the 19th round of negotiations on 1-5 July 2024 behind closed doors.
South China Morning Post | 26-Jul-2024

Hong Kong and Peru conclude talks on free-trade pact, finance minister says

The deal, which would be ninth such pact Hong Kong has in place, also covers investment and intellectual property.
Euronews | 26-Jul-2024

EU clinches digital trade deal with Singapore

The EU concluded negotiations with Singapore on a new Digital Trade Agreement designed to increase online trade, help SMEs with digital transformation and facilitate data flows.
Taipei Times | 26-Jul-2024

Taiwan, Thailand agreement to take effect this year: EY

A Taiwan-Thailand bilateral investment agreement inked last month is expected to take effect later this year, following a review by the Executive Yuan and subsequent ratification by the Legislative Yuan.
IOL | 25-Jul-2024

Blinken assures Africa of a revamped Agoa trade deal

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has assured a newer, revamped version of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) as the current administration fully supported the re-authorisation of the trade deal.
The East African | 23-Jul-2024

EAC, Comesa, Sadc merger into seamless market begins Thursday

At least 14 countries will trade freely within East, Central, and Southern Africa following the ratification of a Tripartite Free Trade Area Agreement.
Euractiv | 23-Jul-2024

UAE hopes to reactivate trade talks with EU this year

The United Arab Emirates hopes to reactivate trade talks with the European Union by the end of the year, the UAE trade minister said, and is optimistic the talks would be bilateral.
Malaya | 23-Jul-2024

PH eyes FTAs with LatAm, African countries

The Philippines is expanding its free trade agreements to include Latin American and African countries. Undersecretary Allan Gepty of the Department of Trade and Industry announced plans for potential FTAs with African nations and ongoing studies for an FTA with Chile to broaden engagements in Latin America.
The National | 22-Jul-2024

UAE and Mauritius sign comprehensive economic partnership agreement

The UAE signed a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with Mauritius, with the pact expected to boost both economies by removing tariffs and increasing market access.
South China Morning Post | 22-Jul-2024

India’s China loophole concerns fuel Asean free trade deal rethink

New Delhi’s review of zero-duty tariffs under its trade pact with Asean comes amid domestic concerns about cheap Chinese imports. | 22-Jul-2024

Georgia and Hungary sign investment protection agreement

This agreement aims to boost trade and economic cooperation between the two nations and create new opportunities for bilateral investment. | 22-Jul-2024

Indonesia, Tanzania discuss revival of global south solidarity

Indonesia is interested in exploring the establishment of a preferential trade agreement and a bilateral investment treaty with Tanzania.
Jakarta Globe | 22-Jul-2024

ASEAN hints at forming trade pact with Gulf Cooperation Council

ASEAN recently dropped another hint that they might try to strike a trade pact with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as the former tries to boost its trade with partners outside the region.
Texts of agreements
Ministry of Economy - UAE | 24-Jul-2024

UAE-Cambodia FTA (2023)

Ministry of Economy - UAE | 24-Jul-2024

UAE-Georgia FTA (2023)

Ministry of Economy - UAE | 24-Jul-2024

UAE-Türkiye FTA (2023)

Ministry of Economy - UAE | 24-Jul-2024

UAE-Indonesia FTA (2023)

Ministry of Economy - UAE | 24-Jul-2024

UAE-Israel FTA (2023)

El Capital Financiero | 25-Jul-2024

Panamá espera “desempolvar” las negociaciones del TLC con China

Las negociaciones entre ambos países para la firma de un TLC se iniciaron tras el inicio de las relaciones diplomáticas.
La Estrella de Panamá | 25-Jul-2024

Panamá buscará concretar TLC con Mercosur en los próximos seis meses

Los esfuerzos del gobierno del presidente, José Raúl Mulino, están enfocados en que el país logre concretar un Tratado de Libre Comercio con el Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur), en los próximos seis meses.
La Jornada | 22-Jul-2024

Desde extractivismo hasta diabetes, el saldo de 30 años de TLC, ahora T-MEC

El TLCAN cumple 30 años y desde que entró en vigor, el mundo inició una etapa inusitada de homoge-nización de los términos de referencia de sus relaciones internacionales, y la llamada democracia formal se erosionó aún más.
La Nación | 22-Jul-2024

Costa Rica gana arbitraje internacional contra Infinito Gold por mina en Crucitas

El Ciadi declaró improcedente el cobro de daños que reclamaba la empresa canadiense Infinito Gold a Costa Rica debido a un conflicto relacionado con una mina en Crucitas.
Infobae | 22-Jul-2024

Ciadi insta a Marruecos pagar 150 millones de dólares a Corral por cierre de refinería

El Ciadi, tribunal que depende del Banco Mundial, instó a Marruecos pagar 150 millones de dólares al grupo Corral Morocco Holding.
Panamá América | 22-Jul-2024

Demandas a Panamá suman 57 mil millones de dólares

Panamá enfrenta demandas de arbitrajes hasta por $57 mil millones, en su mayoría relativas a proyectos mineros.
7 sur 7 | 26-Jul-2024

L’UE conclut avec Singapour un premier accord de commerce numérique

L’Union européenne a conclu avec Singapour un accord portant spécifiquement sur le commerce numérique, son premier du genre, a annoncé la Commission européenne.
APA | 26-Jul-2024

Afrique : entrée en vigueur de l’accord de libre-échange tripartite

L’accord tripartite de libre-échange Comesa-Cae-Sadc (TFTA) est officiellement entré en vigueur, après avoir été ratifié par le nombre requis d’Etats membres.
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