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Malaysian, US unions oppose trade deal | 30-January-2007

Labor unions in Malaysia and the United States said Monday they opposed a free trade agreement between their two countries unless it incorporated mechanism to protect labor and social rights.

Activists protest free trade pact at EU base in Kenya | 25-January-2007

Some 2,000 anti-globalisation activists were marching in Kenya’s capital Nairobi to protest against a plan to liberalise trade between developing nations and the European Union.

New anti-FTA protests in Colombia | 22-January-2007

Senator Jorge Robledo announced on Sunday new demonstrations against the congressional approval of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the governments of Colombia and the US.

Organizan movilización nacional contra TLC en Costa Rica | 20-January-2007

En protesta contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Centroamérica, Estados Unidos y República Dominicana, organizaciones sociales de Costa Rica organizan una movilización nacional para el 26 de febrero próximo.

Organizaciones campesinas y sociales anuncian megamarcha | 20-January-2007

El próximo 31 de enero, cuando se conmemoran cuatro años de la movilización ’El campo no aguanta más’, organizaciones campesinas y de productores agrícolas realizarán una megamarcha en el Distrito Federal para defender la canasta básica, repudiar el aumento en los precios del maíz y la tortilla y exigir la exclusión del grano en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte.

Letter from RECALCA to US Rep Charles Rangel | 19-January-2007

As a coalition of union, environmental, peasant, and small business organizations, communities of Afro-Colombians and indigenous people, and women’s and human rights groups, we would like to give you our views about some of the impacts that the US-Colombia FTA will have on Colombia.

"We also want to stop KorUS FTA!" | 18-January-2007

Students of Oriental medical school joined to stop Korea-US Free Trade Agreement. "KorUS FTA will destroy our medical system, so it will menace the right for the health. And will bring about the oriental medical’s collapse. That’s why we are against KorUS FTA."

KDLP lawmakers go on a hunger strike against US-Korea FTA | 18-January-2007

The Korean Democratic Labor Party’s lawmakers went on a hunger strike against the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement talks in front of the Shila hotel where the talks convened.

TLC versus el sueño de integración latinoamericana | 17-January-2007

Más de cien delegados de organizaciones campesinas de base, gremios productivos, estudiantes, profesores universitarios se dieron cita los días 16 y 17 de noviembre 2006 en la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar en el Seminario Internacional: Impactos del Tratado de Libre Comercio en los sectores campesinos de Latinoamérica: Investigaciones y Resistencia.

Rafidah skirting main FTA issues | 17-January-2007

International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz has not addressed the main concerns surrounding the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), claimed a regional grouping of fishermen and farmers today.

Thousands of protesters voice opposition to FTA amid bolstered police presence | 16-January-2007

Thousands of farmers, workers and progressive lawmakers gathered Tuesday afternoon in downtown Seoul to protest ongoing free trade talks between South Korea and the United States, threatening to march to the site of the negotiations despite police warnings.

Anti-FTA groups stage rally | 15-January-2007

Civic groups and labor unions staged a series of rallies against the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement (FTA) as new round of FTA talks opened Monday. The anti-FTA groups estimated at about 2 million people will also have a large-scale protest at downtown Seoul on Tuesday.

Progessive lawmakers go on hunger strike opposing FTA | 15-January-2007

Nine progressive lawmakers went on a hunger strike Monday against the free trade talks between Seoul and Washington as the two sides began the sixth round of the negotiations.

ASEAN for the people | 15-January-2007

We call on Governments to review existing FTAs and, to postpone for further examination and public scrutiny the FTAs currently being negotiated or proposed, particularly the proposed EU-ASEAN FTA, and FTAs with Japan and the United States under consideration by several ASEAN members.

FTA kills! Stop negotiations with USA now! | 12-January-2007

It was an uncommon sight at the Bangunan Rawatan Utama, Universiti Malaya Medical Centre this morning, when 30-over anti US-Malaysia FTA coalition members suddenly gathered holding banners and placards at the outpatient unit lobby.

Malaysian rice farmers, activists, demand halt to free trade talks with US | 11-January-2007

The United States and Malaysia this week started a fourth round of talks for a free trade agreement (FTA), which Washington wants to complete before President George W Bush’s trade-negotiating authority expires in June. The Coalition Against the US-Malaysia FTA delivered a memorandum to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi calling on him to intervene, and urged transparency on the details and implications of the deal.

En avant avec la lutte pour arrêter les APE | 11-January-2007

Déclaration de la neuvième réunion annuelle du Réseau d’Afrique sur le Commerce

Forward with the struggle to stop the EPAs | 11-January-2007

From 11-14 December 2006, the 9th Annual Review Meeting of the Africa Trade Network took place in Accra, Ghana. This is the final declaration that came out of the meeting.

Oriental doctors protest FTA talks | 10-January-2007

Despite the government yesterday ruling out the possibility of opening the Oriental medicine market in ongoing free trade talks with the United States, Korea’s doctors are still planning to stage protests.

Open letter from Peruvian agricultural producers | 10-January-2007

To the People of the United States of America, to the Members of the US Congress: We are sending this letter on behalf of the nine million farmers and rural workers of the coast, highlands, and tropical forests of Peru, who are concerned about the final results of the Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) completed in December 2005 between the trade representatives of Peru and the United States.

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