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S. Korea hit by massive protests against FTA with US | 30-June-2007

Tens of thousands of workers and anti-US activists rallied Friday in central Seoul in monsoon rains to oppose a free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and the United States.

Stop the EPAs, Oxfam, Panos tell African leaders | 29-June-2007

Social movements across the African Continent have started arriving in Accra for the 9th Ordinary Summit of the African Union, scheduled for July 2-3, 2007.

Panamanians protest US trade deal | 29-June-2007

Groups of students, professionals, and unions in Panama are protesting the signing Thursday of a free trade agreement with the US, for considering it an affront to the country s sovereignty and dignity.

Costa Rica: Ley de Protección a Obtenciones Vegetales | 28-June-2007

Carta de la Red de Coordinación en Biodiversidad sobre la Ley de Protección a Obtenciones Vegetales a la Comisión Permanente de Asuntos Agropecuarios

Latinos se oponen a los TLC | 28-June-2007

La demócrata de California Linda Sánchez calificó los acuerdos comerciales con Panamá y Perú como ‘malos’. Las agrupaciones latinas enviaron ayer una carta a cada uno de los 535 senadores y congresistas

Perú: Gobierno ignora protestas, cierra calles y apura aprobación final del TLC | 28-June-2007

Este miércoles 27 de junio, hasta los periódicos llamados serios dedicaron sus primeras planas para destacar el triunfo de la selección frente a Uruguay, en el inicio de la Copa América. Fue el pretexto perfecto para ignorar, imitando una vez más al avestruz, que el día anterior, Lima, vivió una de las jornadas más intensas de protestas sociales que se prolongaron durante todo el día, y culminaron en la noche con un intento de vigilia frente al Congreso de la República

Metalworkers continue massive strike | 28-June-2007

Tens of thousands of unionized metalworkers were poised to stage a strike Thursday for a fourth consecutive day to oppose a proposed free trade deal between South Korea and the United States.

Hyundai workers on strike against FTA | 28-June-2007

Workers at South Korea’s top automaker Hyundai Motor launched a partial strike on Thursday to join an industry-wide walkout in protest at a free trade agreement with the United States.

Pressure groups to hold mass protests at AU summit | 27-June-2007

As Accra gets set to host the African Union Summit next week, Civil Society Groups and other Pressure Organisations are also adding to the menu of the summit, trade agreement issues on the agenda of Heads of States and Governments.

Inician en México campaña nacional "Sin maíz no hay país" | 26-June-2007

Las distintas actividades se extenderán por todo el territorio mexicano durante los seis meses que durará la campaña por la soberanía alimentaria en ese país y en rechazo a las importaciones de productos transgénicos y a cualquier tipo de acuerdo comercial, como el TLC, que atente contra la producción nacional de rubros agrícolas y la economía del sector

Metalworkers to go ahead with walkout this week | 26-June-2007

Unionized metalworkers said Monday they will push ahead with a planned five-day walkout starting Monday, saying a proposed free trade deal between South Korea and the United States will jeopardize their job security.

Police probe circulation of anti-FTA brochures | 26-June-2007

Malaysian police are investigating the distribution of pamphlets protesting the signing of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Malaysia and the United States.

Pan African ‘Stop EPA peoples’ forum’ in Accra | 25-June-2007

The Africa Trade Network (ATN) and the Economic Justice Network (EJN) will host a two-day Pan African ‘Stop EPA peoples’ forum’ in Accra from June 29-30.

Perú: Paro Nacional contra el TLC con EEUU, 11 y 12 julio | 25-June-2007

Los gremios agrarios, sindicales, cocaleros, comunidades afectadas por la minería, pueblos indígenas del Perú convocamos:

No FTA Newsletter | 24-June-2007

In the Newsletter
Metal Workers Enter General Strike
Police Trying to Arrest Two Co-Chairs of Korean Alliance

Trabajadores de Perú harán paro nacional | 22-June-2007

La Confederación General de Trabajadores de Perú (CGTP) va a realizar, al 11 y 12 de julio, en Lima, un Paro Nacional contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos

En Costa Rica le dicen "No" al Tratado de Libre Comercio | 22-June-2007

Un movimiento de organizaciones políticas y sociales en Costa Rica integrado por una diversidad de sectores, esta comprometidos en la lucha por impedir que se ratifique el TLC entre Estados Unidos, Centroamérica y República Dominicana.

Police seek arrest warrants for two anti-FTA protesters | 22-June-2007

Police said Tuesday they have sought arrest warrants for two protest leaders in connection with illegal street demonstrations.

S Korean farmers denounce FTA with US | 20-June-2007

Thousands of South Korean farmers rallied Wednesday to denounce a free trade agreement with the United States, as officials from the two sides prepared to discuss amending the hard fought deal ahead of its expected signing later this month.

Korean, US workers challenge trade pact | 19-June-2007

Responding to intense and widespread opposition from both US and Korean workers, a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers is trying to stop the Bush government’s proposed "free trade" pact with South Korea.

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