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Labour says ’No’ to EPA | 3-October-2008

Four labour organisations — the African Regional Organisation of the international Trade Union Confederation, the African Trade Network, Ghana Trades Union Congress and the Federation of Labour — have called on leaders of the Africa, Carribean and Pacific countries not to ratify the Economic Partnership Agreement they have signed with the European Union.

Des mouvements sociaux saluent la position de refus haïtienne par rapport aux APE | 1-October-2008

Des organisations sociales dans le pays saluent la décision du gouvernement haïtien de ne pas signer le document des Accords de partenariat économique (Ape) avec l’Union européenne

Signature des accords économiques entre Acp-UE et la Cédeao : les inquiétudes de la société civile sous-régionale | 1-October-2008

La sous région ouest africaine se prépare à parapher un accord économique avec l’Union européenne en vue des échanges sur le plan commercial. Mais ce cadeau d’or en apparence comporte des risques énormes que la Pascib et d’autres organisations de la société civile de la sous région ont su identifier.

Haitian social organizations welcome the refusal of Haiti to sign the EPA | 1-October-2008

It is imperative to continue with the mobilization so that Haiti remains part of the growing group which rejects the pressure being applied by the European Union for CARIFORUM members to sign the EPA at the next meeting, scheduled for 15 October in Barbados.

Farmers and civil society groups march against EPAs | 30-September-2008

Hundreds of Ghanaian farmers and civil society groups took to the street on Monday calling on the leadership of the Africa Caribbean and Pacific countries to reject outright the Economic Partnership Agreements with the European Union.

Economic pact not good for us - farmers tell ACP delegates | 29-September-2008

Peasant farmers and some civil society groups in Ghana have called on African Ministers and negotiators to reject the Economic Partnership Agreements with the European Union.

India trade unions, people’s movement and civil society groups call for immediate halt to EU-India FTA negotiations | 29-September-2008

As the two day (29-30 September, 2008) EU-India summit begins at Marseilles in France, civil society groups from across India demand a complete halt of the ongoing EU-India FTA negotiations.

Trade deal poses grave risks for India’s workers and poor | 29-September-2008

A proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between India and the EU poses a real threat to millions of small businesses, workers and farmers, according to a report published today by Traidcraft.

Lideres indigenas nicaraguenses apoyan a los de Costa Rica | 25-September-2008

Nos solidarizamos y apoyamos a los pueblos indígenas de Costa Rica y les animamos a seguir firmes en sus luchas reivindicativas

Exigen indígenas de Costa Rica consulta sobre ley relativa a TLC | 25-September-2008

Líderes de los pueblos indígenas Ngöbe y Huetar, de Costa Rica, exigieron hoy que se les consulte sobre una reforma a las leyes de biodiversidad, incluido en un paquete para la aprobación del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con Estados Unidos

Activists disrupt reception for Colombian Prez to protest free trade agreement | 25-September-2008

Two activists from TradeJustice New York City Metro disrupted a Council of the Americas-sponsored reception for Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez to denounce Uribe’s support for a free trade agreement between the US and Colombia that critics believe will exacerbate human rights and environmental catastrophes in the war-torn South American nation.

Over 100 activists gather to protest free trade agreement | 25-September-2008

On Friday, September 19, 2008, over 100 activists gathered in front of the National Press Club in Washington, DC to protest the efforts of Colombia’s president Álvaro Uribe to promote the Free Trade Agreement.

Arias y su TLC nos hundirán en la crisis mundial | 24-September-2008

Hoy resulta 100 veces más importante derrotar ese instrumento. Porque el TLC, además
de un instrumento de anexión y subordinación, se ha convertido en un medio brutal y despiadado de sumergirnos en la crisis económica que
apenas comienza los Estados Unidos

Les ONG remettent 100.000 signatures contre les APE | 23-September-2008

Quelques dizaines de personnes ont manifesté mardi matin devant le Parlement européen contre la poursuite des négociations sur les APE, les "accords de partenariat économique" appelés à encadrer les relations futures entre l’Europe et ses anciennes colonies.

US free trade agreement a poisoned chalice for NZ | 23-September-2008

The proposed expansion of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (NZ, Chile, Brunei, and Singapore, commonly known as the P4 Agreement) to include investment and financial services, and to add the US to its membership, was bad enough. But for this to suddenly morph into a fullblown Free Trade Agreement with the US is catastrophic for any remaining economic sovereignty that New Zealand has.

Frentes amazónicos acuerdan huelga indefinida en la selva | 22-September-2008

Los frentes de defensa y organizaciones de base de Loreto, San Martín, Madre de Dios, Ucayali y Amazonas acordaron acatar una huelga indefinida a partir del 10 de noviembre próximo como respuesta a la falta de atención por parte del Ejecutivo a esta parte del país

Perú: Dos de los Decretos anti-pueblos indígenas ya estan derogados | 22-September-2008

Alberto Pizango saluda derogatoria de decretos legislativos 1015 y 1073, sin embargo señala que faltan más normas por eliminar

AIDESEP lamentó que gobierno siga dando las espaldas a los Pueblos Indígenas | 22-September-2008

La Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana - AIDESEP y sus Organizaciones Regionales, ORAU, ARPI-SC, ORPIO, CORPI-SL, FENAMAD, ORPIAN y COMARU; frente a la actitud del Poder Ejecutivo que continua en su afán de enturbiar la propuesta de diálogo que hemos formulado para resolver el Pliego Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas y negándose a sostener este dialogo con los verdaderos interlocutores de los PPII de la Amazonía Peruana, nos dirigimos a los Pueblos Indígenas y a la opinión pública nacional e internacional, expresando lo siguiente

APE : les parlementaires belges agiront-ils ? | 22-September-2008

Ce mardi 23 septembre, 100.000 personnes ayant soutenu la campagne “Stop APE” ces deux dernières années demanderont à une délégation de parlementaires belges de remettre le développement au centre des Accords de Partenariat Economique. Les parlementaires agiront-ils ?

NLC, Liberian labour oppose signing of EPAs | 21-September-2008

The Nigerian Labour Congress and the Liberia Labour Congress have joined their voices in the clamour for West African governments not to sign the Economic partnership Agreements, as proposed by the European Union.