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A call for the Senate to reject the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) | 31-July-2008

The undersigned ask the Philippine Senate to fulfill its role as check and balance to the Executive branch of government, to do right by the Filipino people and reject this infirm, lopsided, unlawful and unconstitutional treaty.

Militants press Senate to reject Jpepa - report | 29-July-2008

About 150 activists trooped to the Philippine Senate on Tuesday, calling on senators to reject the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement

Haïti : Des mouvements sociaux souhaitent participer à une audience parlementaire autour des APE | 28-July-2008

Un ensemble d’organisations sociales haïtiennes saisit le corps législatif autour de la ratification probable des Accords de partenariat économique avec l’Union européenne.

La Via Campesina supports KPL, KWPA and the Korean people’s struggle | 28-July-2008

La Via Campesina supports the peaceful fight of the Korean Peasant League, Korean Women Peasants Association and the movements of the Korean people for their right to have access to safe food and to produce locally. FTAs undermine the freedom of choice and the access to safe food, which are basic elements of food sovereignty.

Do YOU support a free trade agreement with the US? | 25-July-2008

Many New Zealanders believe that a New Zealand-US free trade agreement would put all of Aotearoa up for sale to US corporations by “removing barriers” to US corporate control and by allowing US corporations to sue the New Zealand government for threatening their profits.

CAN: Iglesia católica y varias ONG andinas vigilarán implicaciones de los TLC en acceso a las medicinas | 22-July-2008

A los prelados les preocupa que los acuerdos sobre propiedad intelectual vayan más allá de lo que establece la Organización Mundial de Comercio y se restrinja la producción de drogas genéricas

Declaración Política del VII Foro Mesoamericano de los Pueblos | 21-July-2008

"Rechazamos permanente y radicalmente el libre comercio, en especial las actuales “negociaciones” de un Acuerdo de Asociación entre la Unión Europea y Centroamérica, que a pesar de la retórica que los gobiernos de ambas regiones proyectan en sus declaraciones públicas, no es más que un tratado de libre comercio de características semejantes e impactos idénticos que los que acostumbra imponer a los pueblos los Estados Unidos, pero que incluso va más allá al imponer nuevas obligaciones en ámbitos como propiedad intelectual, servicios públicos y protección de las inversiones extranjeras"

SKorea health workers threaten strike over US beef, wages | 21-July-2008

South Korean hospital workers on Monday threatened to strike this week to press demands including a ban on the use of US beef for patients’ meals.

NAFTA and the elephant in the room | 20-July-2008

The biggest challenge now to our networks is not to centralize the struggle and the critique but to understand our differences. We have a pretty good understanding of the architecture built by NAFTA and added onto in the SPP. We need to continue to work together to analyze its foundations and mainstays.

Indígenas del Foro Latinoamericano deciden globalizar su resistencia | 18-July-2008

Los indígenas reunidos en este Foro ven la necesidad no sólo de enfrentar, sino de buscar salidas y unificarse para resistir frente al fenómeno de explotación de recursos y frente a los tratados comerciales, como el TLC y los acuerdos entre el CAN y la Unión Europea, pues son estos acuerdos los que allanan el camino para que las empresas multinacionales y trasnacionales puedan operar libremente en todo el territorio ancestral de los indígenas

México: Campaña Sin Maíz no Hay País está en su segunda etapa | 18-July-2008

Teniendo en cuenta las dificultades para el diálogo, las organizaciones llaman a los campesinos y sindicalistas a retoman el contenido y el espíritu del Manifiesto Campesino del 31 de enero de 2008 y del Pacto Campesino, Sindical y Ciudadano del 25 de febrero de 2008 y a exigir un verdadero espacio de diálogo y negociación, sobre los siguientes principios: debate público, programa emergente para enfrentar la crisis alimentaria y voluntad real para la revisión del capítulo agropecuario del TLCAN

Movimientos sociales dicen NO al neocolonialismo del Libre Comercio | 17-July-2008

Del 14 al 16 de julio Nicaragua fue anfitriona del VII Foro Mesoamericano de los Pueblos bajo el lema “Mesoamérica en resistencia...NO al neocolonialismo del Libre Comercio”, en el cual participaron más de 1.200 delegados de toda la región, reunidos en las instalaciones de la Universidad Agraria de Nicaragua (UNA)

Guyana asks for more time on EPA | 17-July-2008

The Guyana government wants more time to consider "troubling" aspects of the Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU. "No Government can be deaf to the outcry of important groups in its society," Guyana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues, said. "We are democracies, not command economies. If our populations do not believe the agreement is in their interest, if they believe it has been imposed upon them, it will not work."

’SC ruling on JPEPA may lead to one-sided trade deals’ | 17-July-2008

The No Deal! Movement, which has actively campaigned against the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement said that the Supreme Court decision to uphold secrecy of Philippine government negotiations over trade deals "will set a dangerous precedent, legitimizing the marginalization of ordinary Filipinos from having access to pertinent information on economic treaties such as JPEPA that will have a deep impact on their interest and livelihood"

M’sia-US FTA - stop negotiations immediately | 16-July-2008

We are shocked and disappointed to find that the government is persisting with the Malaysia- US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations despite all the protests and the fact that the US government is in transition. The latest round begins on Monday, July 14 in Washington, DC.

BANGO petitioning for better EPA deal | 16-July-2008

The Barbados Association of NGOs (BANGO) is seeking 5 000 signatures for a petition calling on Government to work out a better Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Europe.

Comenzó Foro Mesoamericano de los Pueblos en Nicaragua | 15-July-2008

Managua, 14 Jul. ABN - Desde este lunes y hasta el miércoles 16 de julio se llevará a cabo en Managua, Nicaragua, el VII Foro Mesoamericano de los Pueblos bajo el lema Mesoamérica en resistencia. No al Libre Comercio

S. Korean activists petition UN over beef protest clampdown | 15-July-2008

South Korean activists Monday sent a petition to the United Nations, asking the international organization to admonish their government for its hardline crackdown on street protests over US beef imports.

Peru: Social rebellion spreads nationwide | 15-July-2008

New street protests were called for Thursday in some Amazon regions, in response to decrees issued by President Alan García, making it easier for private investors to enter the territories of native communities. The decrees were set in motion thanks to the powers granted by the legislative branch to the executive under the free trade agreement (FTA) signed with the United States. Political analysts say the government has exceeded its legal powers.

México: entrampamiento campesino | 11-July-2008

Al paso que vamos “el mayor presupuesto para el campo de la historia” terminará subejerciéndose terriblemente o concentrándose en beneficio de unos cuantos agricultores y empresas y no habrá posibilidad de arrancar al gobierno la renegociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de las Américas (TLCAN) en materia agropecuaria

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