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Taiwan’s China opening aided by opposition scandal | 9-March-2009

Taiwan’s main opposition party vehemently opposes President Ma Ying-jeou’s push for closer relations with China, including a proposed FTA. But the Democratic Progressive Party is so enfeebled that it can’t do much about it.

In the United States, 350 civil groups oppose FTA | 9-March-2009

Around 350 US national, state and local groups from religious to environmental sectors, representing a combined total membership of 18 million, sent a letter to the House of Representatives asking lawmakers not to ratify the free trade agreement between Panama and the United States, insisting that Panama’s economy thrives on banking secrecy and money laundering

Diálogo de Alternativas y Alianzas de los Movimientos Indígenas, Campesinos y Sociales del Abya Yala | 6-March-2009

"Integración desde y para los pueblos y no para el lucro de las Transnacionales, sus TLC y Megaproyectos. No a los TLC con EE.UU. y la Unión Europea que dividen y destruyen a la CAN usando a las dictaduras de Álvaro Uribe y Alan García"

Sign the petition to suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement | 6-March-2009

Activists from The Peace Cycle will cycle from the International Courts of Justice in the Hague to the European Parliament in Brussels, to hand-deliver this petition to the European Parliament on 31 March 2009.

Sustaining global solidarity after Gaza | 2-March-2009

In South America, serious pressure is building against the Israel-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA), threatening to derail it entirely. South American social movements, who have years of experience fighting against free trade, have integrated Palestine solidarity into their general work.

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