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People living with HIV call out EU hypocrisy on MDGs as it pushes FTAs | 30-September-2010

People living with HIV call out EU hypocrisy on Millennium Development Goals as it forces its trade agreements on developing countries, seizes generic drugs and negotiates ACTA

South Korean farmers protest against free trade with China | 30-September-2010

Chanting slogans, shaving their heads and painting banners using their own blood, more than 10,000 farmers gathered in downtown Seoul for the biggest rally by the farmers this year.

Appeal to sign on letter to Indian PMO on India-EU FTA | 20-September-2010

We request organizations and individuals across the world to join Delhi Network of Positive People in a sign on letter to issue a appeal to the Indian government to ’not sign on’ to any IP provisions in the FTA negotiations.

Indian farmers against Indo-Japan EPA | 17-September-2010

A common platform of several farmers groups, the Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers Movements, has charged the Central government with complete lack of transparency on the implications of the proposed Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement or CEPA with Japan and the inclusion of agriculture on its agenda.

Indian groups protest secret Japan-India CEPA | 15-September-2010

Groups in India along with the Forum Against FTAs raise their voices as the Government of India gave an in-principle agreement to the CEPA with Japan in complete secrecy last week

Progressive groups to hold anti-G20 forum, protests | 14-September-2010

Korea’s progressive activist groups are preparing massive anti-G20 rallies with international organizations, before and during the G20 summit slated for Nov. 11-12.

SADC Churches discuss SACU | 13-September-2010

A regional SACU civil society conference has recommended that there is a need for a broader regional agenda anchored on the strength of small economies in the region.