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The pending US-Colombia free trade agreement: False claims versus hard realities | 9-September-2011

Corporate leaders and US and Colombian government officials with their public relations operatives are peddling lie after lie to justify passage of the US-Colombia FTA. This guide will help people counter the falsehoods in the coming weeks.

A critical look at pending free trade agreements | 9-September-2011

We sift through the facts and myths of free trade agreements with Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas Program of the Center for International Policy and a columnist for Foreign Policy in Focus.

Labor Day protestors demand jobs and fair trade deals | 9-September-2011

Jim Robinson, president of the United Steelworkers of America District 7, joined his fellow steelworkers and 1,000 others to protest in Chicago on Labor Day against a new free trade agreement being negotiated for the Pacific Rim countries.

The Activist Beat | 7-September-2011

On Labor Day, 500 activists took to the streets of Chicago to speak out against the US free trade agreement with Pacific Rim countries, including Peru, Chile, and Vietnam. Advocates from labor, environmental, public health, and consumer rights groups took part to demand a “Fair Deal or No Deal.”

Labour Day Rally in Chicago Kicks Off Challenge to TPPA Negotiating Round | 7-September-2011

A rally of around a thousand unionists, HIV-Aids activists and social justice campaigners in Chicago sent a clear message to negotiators the day before the latest round of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations began in Chicago.

Labor unions rally at Grant Park | 6-September-2011

Chicago labor unions say a looming free trade agreement, the "Trans Pacific Partnership," will lead to the loss of good-paying US jobs. They compare it to NAFTA.

Pro-labor activists in Chicago protest Trans-Pacific Partnership pact | 6-September-2011

Politicians, labor activists and ice cream makers gather to influence free-trade agreement

Malaysian declaration on the TPPA and access to medicines | 6-September-2011

Call for all civil society groups, people living with HIV, all communities facing communcable, chronic and/or non-communicable diseases in the TPPA signatory countries to join forces to halt any & all trade agreements that restrict access to generic medicines.

Trans-Pacific trade pact called new NAFTA | 5-September-2011

Warning of a new "NAFTA for the Pacific Rim," labor and its allies are demanding a new free trade deal being negotiated for the Pacific region include protections for workers rights, health care and the environment.

Labor Day showdown: Can advocates stop ‘NAFTA of the Pacific’? | 5-September-2011

This Labor Day, the Pacific Rim will wash into the Midwest’s flagship city, and activists will confront the tides of global commerce with a demand for global economic justice.

Human Rights Commission rejection of Trans-Pacific Partnership audit latest blow to democratic process | 5-September-2011

The New Zealand Human Rights Commission has declined a request for a scoping study on the human rights implications of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), saying it doesn’t have the resources.

Ghana: Arguments contre l’accord de partenariat économique | 31-August-2011

La Plateforme Nationale des OSC du Ghana exige que l’on abandonne l’Accord de partenariat économique interimaire

Liberalizing the economy may crush the culture of one small island | 31-August-2011

Opening up the Korean market to cheap US citrus imports would simply wipe out most of the farm economy on Jeju Island.

Chicago activists will protest Asia-Pacific trade deal | 29-August-2011

An umbrella group of activists opposed to a proposed U.S. trade deal with eight countries in the Asia Pacific region said Friday they aim to raise public awareness of its potential effects on jobs and the environment when negotiators meet next month in Chicago.

Signing EPA will be suicidal - CSOs | 26-August-2011

A number of Civil Society Organisations in Ghana have painted a bleak picture about the Economic Partnership Agreement, warning the government will be consigning the economy to irretrievable doom, if it signs the pact with the EU.

Chandel people protest against EU-India free trade agreement | 23-August-2011

Various social organizations held sit-in-protest against European Union-India free trade agreement at Zaphou in Chandel district (Manipur, India) today.

Signez la pétition en ligne "Stop au nouvel accaparement des ressources du Sud par l’UE !" | 18-August-2011

La Commission européenne définit actuellement sa nouvelle politique sur le Commerce et le Développement et a lancé une consultation publique sur cette question. De nombreux lobbies industriels vont utiliser cette consultation pour s’assurer que cette politique défendra leurs intérêts afin qu’ils puissent continuer à profiter de l’exploitation à bas prix et sans limite des matières premières de ces pays.

Why We Oppose the KORUS FTA - KCTU Position Paper on KORUS FTA | 17-August-2011

The Korean Conferederation of Trade Unions has great concerns about the bilateral and regional FTAs which are currently expanding in number across the world.

Protesters denounce Canada-Honduras free trade deal | 15-August-2011

Prime Minister Stephen Harper boasted Friday that Canada’s new free trade deal with Honduras will help that crime-ridden country emerge from poverty and political chaos, adding that his opponents are just "selfish" trade protectionists.

NFU opposes EU free trade provisions | 11-August-2011

The National Farmers Union (NFU) has joined voices with the Council of Canadians to warn Canadians in general and the agricultural community in particular about the dangers/threat of the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) being forged between Canada and the European Union.