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Accord de libre-échange UE-Canada (AÉCG): Les entreprises ne feront pas la loi! | 31-October-2011

Nous, syndicats, organismes et associations signataires appelons nos responsables politiques à interrompre immédiatement les négociations en cours pour la signature d’un accord de libre-échange entre l’Union européenne (UE) et le Canada.

Free-trade agreement between the European Union and Canada: CORPORATIONS MUST NOT MAKE THE LAW | 31-October-2011

We, the undersigned unions and civil society organizations, ask our political leaders to stopimmediately the current negotiations for a free-trade agreement between the European Union and Canada.

This agreement, called the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), would
encourage the privatization of the public sector, weaken and prevent social, health and
environmental regulations, and protect even more investors’ rights at the expense of democratic rights.

11 million signatures gathered in Japan against free trade pact | 27-October-2011

Japanese farmers groups submitted 11.67 million signatures to the government Monday on a petition opposing Japan’s participation in trade liberalization talks with other Pacific Rim countries.

Los campesinos colombianos contra el TLC | 26-October-2011

Por la defensa de la Soberanía y la Autonomía Alimentaria de nuestros pueblos, en la toma de desiciones sobre su Territorio y Terriotorialidad. Comunicado de las organizaciones campesinas colombianas reunidas en Duitama, los días 18, 19 y 20 de octubre de 2011, frente al Foro sobre la economía campesina de la FAO en Roma.

Japanese farmers protest against possible trade pact | 26-October-2011

Thousands of Japanese farmers marched through central Tokyo on Wednesday to push the government not to join a regional free trade pact that will likely hit the nation’s small farmers.

Canada-EU trade agreement a threat to family farms | 26-October-2011

Terry Boehm, president of Canada’s National Farmers Union, says this agreement is not about trade, it’s about a fundamental restructuring of the role of governments and their ability to act in the public’s interest.

Anti-TPP rallies around Japan | 26-October-2011

Agricultural and medical groups in Japan have held rallies to oppose the country’s participation in the talks for a free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific region.

US union tells Clinton Colombian colleagues face ’elevated threat’ | 24-October-2011

US labor union United Steelworkers sent Hillary Clinton an "emergency alert" Friday warning Secretary of State that Colombian unionists are under an "elevated threat" after Washington approved a free trade deal between the two countries.

Colombia: La ONIC rechaza de manera contundente la aprobación del TLC | 21-October-2011

La Autoridad Nacional Indígena de Colombia ONIC, se pronuncia frente a la aprobación del TLC entre Colombia con los EE.UU.

TPPA ’threatens national sovereignty’ | 21-October-2011

Despite the secrecy, there are some intrepid souls who are mounting opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership. Interview with one of them, Jane Kelsey, a professor of law at the University of Auckland and long-term academic activist in the area of free trade and investment agreements.

Free trade agreements kill people! | 20-October-2011

"In light of threats from FTAs and TPP, we call on our governments to completely reject the attempts to conclude the upcoming agreements and to stop the implentation of the previous FTAs."

Civil society platform on IP in the Trans Pacific Partnership | 20-October-2011

Eight civil society groups have released a platform on the intellectual property and health content of the Trans Pacific Partnership. The platform calls ex-officio border measures “inappropriate,” rejects a “one size fits all” regime for patent validity, and warns against using the suggested retail price or rightholder-submitted measurements of value in the determination of damages for IP infringement.

Un cheval de Troie contre le libre-échange | 18-October-2011

Une vingtaine d’organisations canadiennes et européennes de la société civile ont transporté lundi un cheval de Troie de cinq mètres aux portes du parlement canadien à Ottawa afin de protester contre le projet d’accord de libre-échange Canada-Union européenne.

Colombian, Korean and Panamanian activists condemn White House support for new "free trade" deals | 13-October-2011

Organizers held a teach-in at Occupy Wall Street on Monday about "free trade agreements" with Colombia, Panama and South Korea now pending in Congress that will expand the market for national corporations and financial corporations from the United States.

Senate Committee trade vote interrupted by protests | 12-October-2011

Protesters on Tuesday interrupted a U.S. Senate Finance Committee vote on free-trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea and Panama, forcing the committee to briefly delay the committee meeting.

Sindicatos y estudiantes protestan en Colombia contra el TLC con EE.UU. | 11-October-2011

Unos 600.000 trabajadores del sector público y estudiantes universitarios en Colombia salieron a las calles el viernes como parte de una huelga de 24 horas para protestar contra un acuerdo de libre comercio con Estados Unidos que está cerca de su aprobación definitiva en Washington.

An agreement to be resisted | 10-October-2011

The US Republican-dominated Congress appears likely to approve the agreement, which makes it more vital than ever to press MEPs not to ratify the EU-Colombia FTA.

RECALCA alerta: aumenta el peligro de que el TLC con Estados Unidos se concrete | 6-October-2011

El deterioro de las condiciones laborales, la privatización de activos públicos y de la educación y los abusos de los inversionistas extranjeros son justamente el tipo de políticas que serán profundizadas con estos TLC por lo tanto debemos levantar una fuerte voz de rechazo.

Sindicalistas y congresistas de EE.UU. protestan contra el TLC | 6-October-2011

Se congregaron frente al Capitolio para rechazar los tratados de libre comercio con Colombia, Panamá y Corea del Sur. Informe de la corresponsal de Noticias Caracol en Washington.

Europeos se oponen a un TLC nocivo para Colombia | 5-October-2011

Actos y movilizaciones populares en Europa. Piden sea declarado mixto y que haya debate en los parlamentos nacionales.

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