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  • 24-Apr-2010 Sacu at 100 eyes transformation
    Sacu at 100 eyes transformation
    THE Southern African Customs Union (Sacu) will be transformed from a customs union into a body to deepen regional integration in southern Africa beyond the existing five member states and to “serve as building block of an ever closer community” among the peoples of Southern Africa.
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Negotiating from weakness: Review of European agreement needed
    “Negotiating from Weakness” is the title of a paper written by Scott Sinclair of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Basically, the paper argues that in current negotiations with the European Union for a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Canada is negotiating from a position of weakness and this “is almost always a recipe for disaster”.
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Pakistan’s trade bear-hug with China
    China and Pakistan, which have strongly increased bilateral trade this decade with the help of a series of free-trade agreements (FTAs), have committed to doubling their commerce within the next three to four years.
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Scholars debate ECFA’s pros and cons
    Scholars debated the possible benefits and disadvantages of a proposed cross-Taiwan Strait trade agreement at a seminar Friday in a possible preview of Sunday’s showdown on the issue between President Ma Ying-jeou and the head of the main opposition party.
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Turkey wants to create free trade area with Ukraine
    Turkey wants to create a free trade area with Ukraine, Turkish Ambassador Ahmet Bulent Meric told the Den newspaper.
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Time to make the most of trade with Japan
    The government should set up an agency to follow up the implementation of the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA) in order to make it more effective, says the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI).
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Trade pact with Israel to give foothold in West Asia
    India will seek access to Israel’s expertise in areas such as bio-technology and water management as it begins discussions on a free trade agreement in Delhi next month, but the pact is likely to have strategic undertones as well. India already has many trade agreements with other countries, but this is the first Israel will be getting into, indicating the importance it gives to economic relations with India.
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Hoyer says trade deal vote this year doubtful
    House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Thursday it was doubtful that the House this year will take up pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea.
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Zuma urges Sacu to tackle EPA negotiations as united front
    Speaking at the 100th anniversary of the Southern African Customs Union (Sacu) celebration held in Namibia on Thursday, President Jacob Zuma said that the future of the customs union was "undoubtedly in question", if it could not "pursue the unfinished business of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations as a united group".
  • 23-Apr-2010
    Korea-China FTA - The Deal Needs Steps to Protect Farmers, Small Firms
    A Korea-China free trade agreement will be a definite plus for the country at least statistically. The governing camp must risk in losing votes from angry farmers, fishermen and small-and medium-sized manufacturing companies.
  • 23-Apr-2010 Eyes on Trade
    Malaysia and Canada may join TPP trolley
    As the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) train begins to chug along the track a little faster, more countries are signaling that they want to jump on the bandwagon. Last month Colombia indicated its interest in joining the TPP talks and now Malaysia and Canada are doing the same.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    Taiwan’s priority list more comprehensive than China’s: MOEA
    A priority "early harvest" list prepared by Taiwan as part of negotiations on an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China is more comprehensive than China’s, Minister of Economic Affairs Shih Yen-shiang said Thursday.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    Govt says it won’t scrap Pharmac for free-trade deal
    The New Zealand government has dismissed the possibility it would scrap its drug-funding system as part of the price of a free-trade deal with the United States.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    Pharma dept says no to IP clauses in FTAs
    The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has firmly declined the commerce ministry proposal to incorporate intellectual property (IP) protection clauses, which go beyond the existing rules, as part of the free trade agreements (FTAs) being negotiated with the European Union (EU) and Japan.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    Pharmac reforms expected
    The medicines industry says reforms are likely be needed to the way the Government’s drug-buying agency Pharmac operates if New Zealand is to reach a free trade deal with the United States.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    America misses another Asian opportunity
    The eight-country "Trans-Pacific Partnership" is now the main face of the Obama administration’s trade policy. It was personally endorsed by the president in November and followed up last month by the first detailed discussions in Melbourne. But a closer look at the actual deal shows how little there is to be excited about.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    Like EU, Japan FTA also a priority
    The government seems in a hurry to conclude its key free trade agreements (FTAs) in 2010. Apart from aggressively aiming to conclude the EU FTA this year, not withstanding apprehensions of European parliamentarians or activists from Thailand, India and Brazil, the Japan FTA is also high on the radar.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    UAE to push GCC-EU free trade plan
    The UAE will push for a long-awaited free trade agreement between the GCC and the European Union during the Emirates presidency of the Gulf states’ bloc next year, said the Foreign Minister.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    Boeing chief urges quick US action on trade deals
    The United States risks losing significant export sales to the European Union, Canada and other countries unless it approves three long-delayed free trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia, Boeing (BA.N) Chief Executive James McNerney said on Thursday.
  • 22-Apr-2010
    Unlevel Playing Field Under Asean-China FTA, Say Aluminium Makers
    An unlevel playing field exists under the Asean-China free trade agreement (FTA), according to the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers Aluminium Manufacturers Group (FMM AMGM).