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Articles by language

  • 16-Apr-2010 AFP
    US-Israel trade pact must be updated: senator
    The United States and Israel must modernize their 1985 free trade agreement to better reflect high-tech commerce between the staunch allies, a US senator urged Thursday.
  • 16-Apr-2010 AFP
    Gates pushes for US-Colombia trade pact
    US Defense Secretary Robert Gates pledged Thursday to renew a push for a free trade agreement with Colombia, reaffirming US support for its closest ally in Latin America during a visit to Bogotá.
  • 16-Apr-2010 ComputerWorld
    No ACTA-free trade link? ’Yeah right’, says IP lawyer
    Suspicions persist over a link between the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and negotiations for international free-trade pacts, despite efforts by officials to downplay the issue.
  • 16-Apr-2010 The Star
    EU ready to start FTA talks with Malaysia
    The European Union is ready for talks on the free trade agreement with Malaysia, says ambassador and head of delegation of the EU to Malaysia Vincent Piket.
  • 15-Apr-2010 Business Standard
    Beware the EU agenda
    Tough intellectual property rights sought by the EU in its free trade agreement with India have set off global protests
  • 15-Apr-2010 Presse Canadienne
    Sables bitumineux: un groupe environnemental porte le débat devant l’ALENA
    Un groupe environnemental canadien porte sa lutte contre l’exploitation des sables bitumineux albertains devant le mécanisme de régulation environnementale de l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALENA).
  • 15-Apr-2010 Reuters
    Egypt, Mercosur to complete free trade agreement in July
    Egypt expects to complete free trade negotiations with the four Mercosur countries — Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay — in July, Egypt’s trade minister said on Wednesday.
  • 15-Apr-2010 The Canadian Press
    Tarsands complaint goes before NAFTA watchdog
    A Canadian environment group is claiming the federal government is breaking its own laws when it comes to the tar sands, and plans to take its concerns to NAFTA.
  • 15-Apr-2010 Xinhua
    S Korea to examine feasibility of China, S. Korea FTA
    South Korea will probe into the feasibility of the free trade agreement (FTA) with China, examining how a pact may boost up the country’s overall competitiveness, local media reported Thursday.
  • 14-Apr-2010
    EU-Colombia-Peru FTA (2010)
    As agreed to on 30 March 2010
  • 14-Apr-2010 iTnews
    Q & ACTA, with Michael Geist
    With the Wellington round of the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) talks underway, organised opposition to the proposed treaty on intellectual property rights and enforcement is also gathering in the New Zealand capital. A brief chat with a global expert on the ACTA treaty.
  • 14-Apr-2010 ComputerWorld
    ACTA not linked to free-trade agreement, say officials
    Officials negotiating New Zealand’s position on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) intellectual-property treaty say they have no perspective on the separate negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Nor would they be involved in any trade-off of ACTA concessions against broader free-trading rights.
  • 14-Apr-2010
    The changing landscape of export credit agencies in the context of the global financial crisis
    New study by Kavaljit Singh on the structure and role of export credit agencies, an integral part of trade finance and investment relations
  • 13-Apr-2010 MercoPress
    Mercosur and EU trade negotiators must “deliver” before May summit
    Mercosur is waiting for “dialogue contributions” from the European Union to decide on negotiations for a political and commercial agreement with the EU. Brussels is expected to make its move at the end of April on time for a formal launching in May of the decade-long delayed talks.
  • 13-Apr-2010 Barbados Advocate
    Agricultural body raises concern about new CARICOM-Canada agreement
    The Barbados Agricultural Society is closely watching the ongoing negotiations for the new Canada-CARICOM trade and development agreement, as it is concerned about the potential devastating impact that such an agreement can have on the regional and local pork industries.
  • 13-Apr-2010 Asahi Shimbun
    Tokyo-Seoul FTA cornerstone of E. Asia community
    Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has recently said that there are three key policy issues in the area of diplomacy that he intends to tackle while he is in office. One of them is signing a free trade agreement with South Korea.
  • 12-Apr-2010 Daily Dispatch
    Congo trade agreement creates opportunities for SA
    President Jacob Zuma and the Republic of Congo’s President Denis Sassou-Nguesso signed a bilateral trade agreement in Pretoria on Thursday. In a statement released after their meeting, Zuma welcomed the long-term land lease agreement of over 200000 hectares of idle farmland to a consortium of South African farmers.
  • 12-Apr-2010 Mail and Guardian
    Canada misses its chance to join major Pacific free-trade deal
    When asked in 2006 to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations that only recently got under way in Australia, the Harper government refused, largely to protect the Quebec and Ontario dairy industry from foreign competition.
  • 12-Apr-2010 Gulf Times
    Pakistan, GCC close to signing free trade pact
    Talks of signing of FTA between Pakistan and GCC have been making the rounds for several years but both sides have only now reached at some concrete work to move ahead.
  • 12-Apr-2010 Nation
    Thailand: June start eyed for FTA talks with EU
    The Thai government is accelerating the process of establishing preliminary guidelines and conducting public hearings in order to launch free-trade agreement (FTA) talks with the European Union by June, a move seen as necessary to ensure the Kingdom remains competitive with potential rivals who are also looking to ink a pact with the bloc.