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Articles by language

  • 17-Mar-2010 AFP
    Syria: timing of accord depends on EU ’flexibility’
    Syria said on Tuesday it will soon restart talks with the European Union on a stalled partnership agreement, but that its timing will depend on the flexibility shown to Damascus over certain points.
  • 17-Mar-2010 Online Opinion
    Danger and little democracy in new trade agreement with the US
    Surveys have consistently shown that most Australians consider the Free Trade Agreement the Howard government signed with the US in 2004 was a bad deal. So why would any Australian government want another trade deal with the US?
  • 16-Mar-2010 Times Live
    US-SA free trade deal still on track
    Negotiations for a free trade deal between the Southern African Customs Union and the US are not "dead and buried", a US Embassy official said yesterday.
  • 16-Mar-2010 Fresh Plaza
    Europe losing Caribbean’s support
    The European Commission has made new trade concessions to Colombia, Peru and Central America on sugar, rice, bananas and rum that may well provoke a Caribbean protest — indeed, a turning away
  • 16-Mar-2010
    ECOWAS demands EU’s commitment to development fund
    The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is urging the European Union (EU) to show real monetary commitment to a proposed development fund for the subregion.
  • 16-Mar-2010
    Obama not likely to move for Korea FTA’s ratification this year: scholar
    The Obama administration will not likely move for ratification of the pending free trade deal with South Korea this year due to health care reform, the economy and other more pressing issues, a scholar said Monday.
  • 16-Mar-2010 Globes
    Brazilian president in Israel to mark Mercosur FTA
    Brazilian President Luiz Inácio (Lula) da Silva met with President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem today and said that Brazil had given its final approval for a free trade agreement between Israel and the Mercosur bloc (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay). The FTA will come into effect in April.
  • 16-Mar-2010 Colombia Reports
    NGOs call for human rights protection in Colombia-EU FTA
    Several South American non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have called on the European Union to put better human rights provisions into its free trade agreement with Colombia
  • 16-Mar-2010 Kyodo News
    Asian business leaders call for deeper regional economic integration
    Japan’s biggest business lobby has been pushing for economic integration within the rapidly growing Asian region, as Japan turns to its neighbors to lift its own economy as it combats deflation.
  • 16-Mar-2010 FBT
    Imminent EU-S. Korea trade deal will bring £500m benefit to British business
    A new UK government report outlines 100 business opportunities for British firms from the EU-Korea FTA
  • 16-Mar-2010 WPR
    Trans-Pacific Partnership: A US entry to Asian integration
    The Asia-Pacific is one place where there’s room for US exports to increase dramatically, and a growing TPP would certainly help on that score. However, free trade deals are never an easy sell, and they become tougher still when the domestic jobs picture is bleak.
  • 16-Mar-2010 IPS
    Uganda: EU supports law threatening access to medicines
    As part of its support to Uganda’s implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and East Africa, the EU is funding the drafting of Kampala’s controversial Counterfeit Goods Bill, which has caused an outcry as it threatens access to life-saving generic medicines in this low income East African country.
  • 15-Mar-2010
    Thai civil society statement on India FTAs
    With the looming threat of these supply lines being disrupted by TRIPS+ provisions that are likely to be demanded of the Indian Government by FTA negotiators from the European Union and Japan we request that the Indian Government stand firm on their position of refusing all TRIPS+ provision that maybe included in any final agreement.
  • 15-Mar-2010 Colombia Reports
    Colombia and Panama begin trade talks
    Panama and Colombia will officially begin negotiations Monday over the terms of a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) planned for later this year.
  • 15-Mar-2010 RTRS
    AIDS sufferers protest in Delhi
    India-EU free-trade pact may limit cheap drugs
  • 15-Mar-2010 BusinessWorld
    RP, EU to meet on cooperation deal
    The Philippines will again be angling for easier commitments meant to facilitate trade with the European Union (EU) during meetings — scheduled to start this week — to forge a partnership cooperation agreement (PCA), a Trade official said.
  • 15-Mar-2010 Bernama
    Singapore, EU complete first round of FTA negotiations
    Singapore and the European Union on Friday completed the first round of negotiations on the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA).
  • 15-Mar-2010 Reuters
    EU/India trade pact could limit cheap drugs: MSF
    Poor people in India and other developing countries may lose access to affordable generic drugs as part of free-trade negotiations between India and the European Union, a medical advocacy group said on Friday.
  • 15-Mar-2010 Reuters
    Egypt, Russia press ahead for free trade agreement
    Officials from Egypt and Russia will meet in Cairo in July to continue negotiations for a free trade agreement between the two countries
  • 15-Mar-2010 Yonhap
    S. Korea, EU to hold ministerial meeting over free trade deal
    Trade ministers from South Korea and the European Union will meet in Brussels on Monday to assess the progress of the final steps toward a bilateral free trade agreement