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  • 28-Jul-2008
    EU hints at FTA talks even if WTO discussions fail
    European Union on Monday hinted at continuation of bilateral negotiations on Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India even if the ongoing WTO negotiations at Geneva fails.
  • 28-Jul-2008 TWN
    WTO decision in next 3 days may worsen FTAs’ effects on developing country farmers
    The special safeguard mechanism currently being proposed for agriculture at the WTO mini-ministerial requires large increases in imports before it can be used, does not allow tariffs to be raised sufficiently and cannot be used to protect developing country farmers from import surges due to free trade agreements.
  • 28-Jul-2008 Via Campesina
    La Via Campesina supports KPL, KWPA and the Korean people’s struggle
    La Via Campesina supports the peaceful fight of the Korean Peasant League, Korean Women Peasants Association and the movements of the Korean people for their right to have access to safe food and to produce locally. FTAs undermine the freedom of choice and the access to safe food, which are basic elements of food sovereignty.
  • 28-Jul-2008 Live Mint
    Sri Lanka develops cold feet on trade pact with India
    An India-Sri Lanka trade and investment agreement billed as a landmark is being delayed, ostensibly because the island nation’s President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, an avowed Sinhala nationalist, doesn’t want to be seen as authoring such a close partnership with New Delhi, diplomats who spoke on condition of anonymity said.
  • 27-Jul-2008 Japan Focus
    The Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership: Agreement between equals?
    The Japanese side is strongly selling the concept of capacity-building in Indonesia in key areas such as the auto parts industry. Despite such promises, it is difficult to envision how such nascent industries will compete with the now cheaper Japanese imports.
  • 25-Jul-2008 Scoop
    Do YOU support a free trade agreement with the US?
    Many New Zealanders believe that a New Zealand-US free trade agreement would put all of Aotearoa up for sale to US corporations by “removing barriers” to US corporate control and by allowing US corporations to sue the New Zealand government for threatening their profits.
  • 25-Jul-2008 TVNZ
    NZ: FTA on agenda for Rice talks
    A free trade agreement between New Zealand and the US is expected to be on the agenda when the Prime Minister meets with the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
  • 25-Jul-2008 Bernama
    EFTA & Hong Kong keen on FTA with Malaysia, says Muhyiddin
    The European Free Trade Association and Hong Kong are keen to establish a free trade agreement with Malaysia.
  • 25-Jul-2008 Colombia Reports
    Constitutional Court okays free trade pact with US
    Colombia’s Constitutional Court has ruled the trade pact the Colombian and US governments signed is in accordance with Colombia’s constitution.
  • 25-Jul-2008 RNZI
    Pacific ministers agree to broaden work on PACER
    This may include setting up a regional office to focus on issues of traditional knowledge and intellectual property rights.
  • 25-Jul-2008 FarmOnline
    Japan tries to exclude agriculture in free trade talks
    Japan has moved to exclude key agricultural products from the next round of free-trade negotiations with Australia, due to be held in Tokyo next week.
  • 24-Jul-2008 WW4 Report
    Robert Gates joins PR offensive for Colombia FTA
    US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and his Colombian counterpart Juan Manuel Santos share a joint op-ed in the New York Times shamelessly trading off the apparent hostage rescue operation to shill for the pending US-Colombia free trade agreement.
  • 24-Jul-2008 Bernama
    9th round of Malaysia-US FTA talks in November, says Muhyiddin
    The Malaysia-US Free Trade Agreement talks are set to advance into the ninth round in November, International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said. Government procurement, competition policy, environment, labour, financial services and other sensitive areas could only be discussed but stay non-negotiable and non-binding, he added.
  • 24-Jul-2008 Scoop
    China FTA bill passes final reading
    Trade Minister Phil Goff says the passing in Parliament today of the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill will bring the FTA into force on 1 October and represents an historic advance in New Zealand’s trading relationships.
  • 24-Jul-2008 Zee News
    India, S’pore set to sign agreement in services
    India and Singapore are set to sign an agreement on services shortly under a comprehensive economic treaty between the two, enabling architects, nurses, dentists and chartered accountants to practice in each other’s country. This will be the first services agreement that India signs with any country.
  • 23-Jul-2008 FTA Watch
    The structure and trends of economic relationship between Thailand and the EU
    A review of the potential direction and impacts of an EU-ASEAN FTA, particularly on Thailand, commissioned by FTA Watch
  • 23-Jul-2008 SACU
    US-SACU TIDCA (2008)
  • 23-Jul-2008 Pakistan Daily
    Pakistan and Japan FTA study by November end
    A Joint Study Group of Pakistan and Japan considering the feasibility of Free Trade Agreement between Islamabad and Tokyo would submit its draft report to the two governments by the end of November 2008.
  • 23-Jul-2008 Afrique Echos
    EPA or development? Your choice
    The EPA will be disastrous for Africa. Its acceptance would amount to locking the continent into some kind of economic vacuum where its manouevring space would be drastically limited because of the exclusivity of such a deal, especially since the evidence shows that no country in the world has taken off with such bogus and demeaning arrangements.
  • 23-Jul-2008 Jamaica Observer
    Intellectual property in the EPA: broad scope, huge impact - Part III
    Article 149 requires the EC Party and the Signatory CARIFORUM states to provide for the protection of plant varieties in accordance with the TRIPS Agreement and to consider, in this connection, accession to UPOV, 1991.