Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 3-Nov-2006 People’s Daily
    US offers huge government procurement for FTA with Malaysia
    The United States is offering about 250 billion U.S. dollars worth of government procurement to Malaysia as the two countries is proceeding with the third round of negotiations of the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.
  • 3-Nov-2006 China Daily
    China willing to have FTA discussion with Japan
    China is willing to discuss with Japan the establishment of free trade area (FTA), said Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao on Thursday.
  • 3-Nov-2006 USTR
    US-Uruguay bilateral investment treaty enters into force
    The US-Uruguay BIT is the first BIT the United States has concluded since 1999, and is the first BIT concluded on the basis of the US model BIT text, which was finalized in 2004.
  • 2-Nov-2006 Aotearoa Indymedia
    A citizen’s guide to an emerging empire
    This article is an introduction or guide to PICTA, PACER and the WTO in the Pacific. The ’guide’ gives readers basic knowledge of both trade agreements and the stepping stone function they provide towards the WTO re-colonising the Pacific.
  • 2-Nov-2006 Bulatlat
    RP stands to lose P9b a year in tariff revenues under JPEPA
    The Philippines stands to lose more than P9 billion annually in tariff revenues under the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA). Meanwhile, the gains to Philippine exports that government economic managers claim will happen under JPEPA are similarly overstated. Some 80% of Philippine exports to Japan already enter tariff-free and will not be affected by the free trade pact.
  • 2-Nov-2006 The Australian
    BCA lists its China goals
    Australia’s business leaders have outlined an ambitious set of goals for the free trade negotiations with China.
  • 1-Nov-2006
    New article No6366
  • 1-Nov-2006 Thais News
    PM has suggested agriculturists to study FTA and plan for long-term
    Thailand’s Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont has advised farmers to study the impacts of the China-ASEAN free trade area (FTA) and find ways to handle them.
  • 1-Nov-2006 AFP
    US vote could leave free trade in trouble
    President George W Bush’s agenda to tear down global trade barriers appears headed for trouble whoever wins US elections next week, analysts believe.
  • 1-Nov-2006 Scoop
    NZPBC welcomes prospect of FTA with USA
    The New Zealand Pacific Business Council (NZPBC) welcomes news that the US has now decided to discuss prospects for a Free Trade agreement with NZ.
  • 1-Nov-2006 Bernama
    Malaysian and US business communities support FTA
    The Malaysian and American business communities have announced their support for successful completion of the third round of US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (USMFTA) negotiations this week.
  • 31-Oct-2006
    Int’l group urges Senate to reject RP-Japan trade pact
    Saying Japan’s motives were "highly suspect," an international monitoring group urged the Philippine Senate on Tuesday to reject a controversial economic deal with Japan unless toxic wastes were removed from the list of products that could be brought into the Philippines.
  • 31-Oct-2006 TWN
    Multiple problems in EPAs highlighted at workshop
    The absence of development content and the severe effects of rapid trade liberalization were among key problems highlighted by policymakers and NGO participants at a workshop held here on the Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group.
  • 31-Oct-2006 IWPR
    EU hails Balkan free trade deal as milestone
    The drive to create a free trade area in the Western Balkans ended more or less successfully on October 20, after negotiations closed on extending the Central European Free Trade Area, CEFTA. Trade integration is nothing new for the Western Balkans, where countries have signed at least 32 bilateral agreements freeing the movement of goods and services. “CEFTA will turn the spaghetti bowl into a lasagne,” said an EC official.
  • 31-Oct-2006 Business Standard
    India widens scope of Singapore trade
    India will offer over 250 additional items in the tariff liberalisation programme under its bilateral Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) with Singapore.
  • 31-Oct-2006 Dominican Today
    Dominican trade agreement with US contemplates extending patents by 3 years
    Legislation proposed for implementing the Free Trade Agreement with Central America and the United States (DR-CAFTA), presented to the Congress by the central government, contemplates a three-year extension beyond the 20 currently in force, for invention patents protection established in the Industrial Property law 20-00.
  • 31-Oct-2006 Korea Times
    EU members to visit Kaesong complex
    The EU delegates and South Korean officials will discuss levying a preferential tariff on Kaesong products for a South Korea-EU free trade agreement (FTA).
  • 30-Oct-2006 NASDAQ
    Ecuador: Canada seeks to start free-trade talks by year-end
    Canada has proposed starting official talks with Ecuador on a bilateral free-trade agreement before the end of 2006, the Andean nation’s Foreign Ministry said Friday in a press statement.
  • 30-Oct-2006 IHT
    Anti-free trade alliance demands end to talks on US-Malaysia pact
    Dozens of placard-waving Malaysians on Monday demanded the suspension of a proposed free trade agreement between Malaysia and the United States as officials from the two countries began a new round of negotiations.
  • 30-Oct-2006 IPS
    Mexico shuts the door on GM maize
    Mexico has moved to ban experimental fields of genetically modified (GM) maize. But the gateway into Mexico of transgenic maize, in the form of unlabeled grain imports, remains ajar. In 2008, as part of NAFTA, the quotas and other barriers for the entry of US-grown GM maize and beans into Mexico will be eliminated.