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China wants free-trade talks with Norway to be accelerated
Free-trade talks between China and Norway should be sped up, the Chinese government’s top diplomat told his Norwegian counterpart, as the two countries step up efforts to put a row over the Nobel Peace Prize behind them.
The separation of migrant families: cruelty as a migration policy
In an accentuated anti-immigrant context of clear criminalization of Central Americans and Mexicans without migratory documents in their attempt to enter the US, measures on the separation of thousands of families (most of them from Central America) are the new face of the racist nationalism of the American government and its current president.
Expanded free-trade agreement with Turkey attracts criticism
Eleven Swiss groups have called on parliament to refrain from ratifying a revised free-trade agreement with Turkey. They cited the country’s current political climate and human rights situation.
Humanitarian crisis scenarios, Central American migrants in Mexico
The current dimension of international migration is related to the global dynamics of neoliberal capitalism and its effects.
EU’s new trade deal with Mexico promotes CETA-style investors’ rights while ignoring human rights violations by multinationals
A key feature of the “modernisation” process is the inclusion of a controversial investment protection chapter with the same characteristics as the one recently included in the Canada-EU trade agreement.
Statement of Trade Justice Pilipinas : Human rights should be central to EU- Philippines partnership
Trade Justice Pilipinas is alarmed over reports that the European Union is wavering on its commitment to protect and promote human rights in the context of its long-term strategic partnership with the Philippines.
Sacrificing sovereignty and human potential in the name of economic growth
Why are countries so gripped in their quest for economic growth that they are empowering multinational corporations at the expense of their citizens?
FTA Switzerland – Indonesia: Respect human rights and nature – keep palm oil outside!
Palm oil must be excluded from the free trade agreement between Switzerland and Indonesia. In an open letter to Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann, Swiss environmental, human rights, consumer and farming organizations are calling for this.
Singapore takes the hot seat: Steering Asean amid challenges
As Singapore becomes chairman of grouping, it hopes to get members to share common vision on terrorism, climate change and trade.
EU Commission eying new fish deal including Western Sahara
Not awaiting the EU Court of Justice’s verdict on the legality of the current fisheries protocol with Morocco over the inclusion of Western Sahara’s waters, the EU Commission is already thinking out loud about its successor.
Free trade or women’s rights?
After 30 years of neoliberal globalization, it has been increasingly acknowledged that austerity, privatization, deregulation of finance, markets and corporations, and trade and investment liberalization have had a devastating and discriminatory impact on women.
Joint statement by European NGOs: No EU trade agreement with Mexico without ex-ante sustainability impact assessment!
Given the catastrophic human rights situation, enormous social inequality and persistently high levels of poverty in Mexico the question of the social, human rights and environmental impact of the "modernization" of the EU-Mexico Trade Agreement is of paramount importance.
Trade agreements: Freer rein for corporations
NAFTA forms a part of this politico-legal apparatus of domination. Human rights and corporate rights share no common ground; there has been a thorough overturning of the hierarchy, the normative pyramid, of the human rights protection system.
Responsible investment provisions in international investment treaties: where next?
How international investment treaties could promote more responsible investment and argues that, while some innovative practices are emerging, there is still much to do.
TiSA impact assessment report ignores crucial human rights concerns
A report to evaluate how TiSA’s provisions could affect economic, social and human rights, which was published in July 2017, fails to address several key fundamental rights concerns.
EU trade agreement threatens human rights in Indonesia
The trade and investment agreement currently being negotiated between the EU and Indonesia poses serious threats to the human rights situation in Indonesia, according to a new report.
The Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) in Africa – A human rights perspective
Report: Assessing the distributional impacts of an agreement such as the CFTA is crucial to ensure that human rights and trade are complementary.
ASEAN Parliamentarians call for a focus on rights in regional trade talks
Officials from ASEAN member states and other countries meeting in India this week for negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) should take steps to ensure that the trade deal safeguards human rights, Southeast Asian lawmakers said today.
Community perspectives in investor-state arbitration
This report examines whether and how investor-state arbitral tribunals consider community perspectives, interests and rights in their settlement of investment disputes.